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Sarri’s anger: “The refereeing had an influence, Ghersini must be stopped” – Football

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Sarri’s anger: “The refereeing had an influence, Ghersini must be stopped” – Football

After two months and passes of unbeaten, Lazio falls with Turin at home and Maurizio Sarri finds himself having to comment on an annoying defeat, which jeopardizes the second place of the biancocelesti. The ko with grenades, according to the Capitoline coach, also has its roots in Ghersini’s refereeing. “If I have to mention the episodes that made me nervous, one episode isn’t enough, you need to do a series – he made his debut after the match -. This is a referee to stop, I hope they stop him, otherwise I’m worried”.
His players are to be commended, according to the coach, “because they didn’t go crazy seeing that it could have ended up with 10 or 9 players: we felt very penalized, the yardstick for fouls changed every three minutes”. There are episodes against it, such as the goal “that comes from a throw-in made a meter inside the field”, or the penalty not given on Hysaj. In other words, “arbitrage affected.”
Nonetheless, Lazio hasn’t been as brilliant as in the last few outings: “We thought this could be the right week to do a lot of work. We didn’t foresee the change in temperature, which had a bit of an impact”. The goal could have come in the final, “but we finished much less than the amount of play we built, and this shows that we lacked something in terms of brilliance”, added Sarri, who also spoke of Ciro Immobile, “Yesterday he trained , he said he didn’t feel great repercussions and declared himself available for a piece of the match”, and of Zaccagni, who came out in pain: “I hope not a sprain”. The grand finale was dedicated to Juventus, to which the 15 penalty points have been returned for now: “From a legal point of view, I don’t give opinions, I have no knowledge and skills – declared Sarri -, but from a sporting point of view, the championship is distorted. Because if you keep a ranking for three months and then say ‘sorry, now it’s changed and it could change again’, that’s not good. I hope someone from sports justice has the good taste to resign, because that’s not how it works “.
Opposing sentiments and assessments on the subject of the game by Ivan Juric, who said he was very satisfied: “We played a great game, suffering very little. Lazio are a great team but our victory is super deserved”, began the grenade coach who then spent fine words for Radonjic (“He’s made a fantastic human journey, from an unreliable boy to a very serious person”) and for Ilic, the match winner: “We’ve been missing a left-handed midfielder for six months, now there is him who has great potential and can still grow a lot”.
90% of Turin, for Juric, “are playing the best championship of their life. Then you only look at the result, but seeing them again I say ‘how well these guys play!'”.

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