Home » Stadium, green pass and masks: from 1 May the rules change

Stadium, green pass and masks: from 1 May the rules change

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Stadium, green pass and masks: from 1 May the rules change

Green certification will no longer be necessary even in indoor plants where the government is, however, oriented to maintaining the obligation of a mask

The return to normality after the many measures to contain the pandemic is becoming more and more concrete. On Thursday the Council of Ministers will set the latest rules, but the situation is already quite clear and also concerns the sports facilities, which have already returned to maximum capacity.

Green pass

Let’s start with the green pass. From May 1st, the “pass” that in recent months had become essential to limit infections ceases to be necessary in most places. No more green passes to show to enter stadiums and halls, as well as to do sports or use the changing rooms.


The speech should be different with regards to the masks. They will no longer be needed in outdoor venues, such as stadiums, while the government is likely to decide to keep them for sports halls, as well as cinemas and theaters.

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