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Super pistons in Ivrea 11 nations in the water

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Super pistons in Ivrea 11 nations in the water

A weekend of international competitions of the highest level Double gold for her, two other medals for the Ivrea


The competitive season on the Dora Baltea river was inaugurated in the splendid scenery of the stadium of the Ivrea canoe, in front of an audience of great occasions, the International race of Canoa kayak slalom, test for the youth category in anticipation of the Junior and Under 23 World Cup.

The event, organized by the Ivrea canoa club, saw over 180 athletes registered from twenty-four Italian and foreign clubs, for a total of eleven nations present: Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, New Zealand, Slovenia and Switzerland. Classic and traditional the track where the two races unfolded with the start placed at the “bridge” and arrival near the ruins of the Roman bridge, for a length of about 210 meters and a degree of difficulty equal to the third and fourth level.

The home club, chaired by Mario Di Stazio, won two gold medals in the two scheduled races, both from Lucia Pistoni in the K1 Junior women’s test on Saturday and in the Sunday one, a silver medal with Elio Maiutto in the C1 Junior Male, Sunday, and a bronze, test on Sunday, for Michele Pistoni in K1 Junior Male. Among the seniors in the K1 Female, the blue Stefanie Horn of the Navy Sports Group prevails in both races, in the main test of the men’s K1, on Saturday 30, she wins, thanks to a super performance Marcello Beda, Canoa club Bologna, in the test on Sunday, instead, the Belgian Gabriel De Coster, trained by the Eporediese Roberto D’Angelo, climbs on the highest step of the podium.

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Happy but already with her head to the future Lucia Pistoni who wants to continue with her improvements in the water in order to be a protagonist also in the higher categories. The races held at the Canoe Stadium were also valid as qualification tests for the composition of the Junior and Senior teams that will take part in the next world championships in the category in July in Ivrea.

The excellent results of the home athletes achieved in the two days of competition must, however, be compared with the severe evaluation criteria introduced by the Federation’s Technical Direction which established limits in percentage of gap from the times of the winners. Among the Juniors, Lucia Pistoni, Michele Pistoni, Lorenzo Cardini, Elio Maiutto and Simone Marchegiano returned to these percentages. In the Under 23, due to an amazing race time of the winner Gabriel De Coster, none of the Ivrea canoa club, Davide Ghisetti, Ludovico Cuignon, Tommaso Panico, Simone Bernard, Matteo Pistoni, Carolina Massarenti and Erica Piatti remained in the expected percentages. Difficulty also encountered in athletes of the same category as the other clubs, next selection appointments scheduled for the national competition of Valstagna in mid-May and for the Italian under 23 championship in Ivrea on 23 June. –

maximum Sardinian

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