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The FIGC asks for 100% capacity

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The FIGC asks for 100% capacity

Gravina: “The organizational machine to expand the capacity is already ready. Mancini? I saw him serene”

Roberto Mancini was also in the federation this afternoon while the federal president held his press conference. The coach appeared smiling. “Mancini is serene”, said Gravina, repeating that everything is ready for 100% of capacity. The FIGC handed over the protocol to the sports department. “If the organizational machine is ready to expand the capacity? Otherwise! There is a huge amount of requests”.

Chi gufa

Rather, the federal president says he is sorry not so much for the failure to postpone the championship day, understanding the reasons for the League, as for “those subjects who on the one hand speak of disaster in case of non-qualification and on the other have not put us in the condition to prepare ourselves in the best possible way “.

Without table

Gravina then spoke of the famous technical table with the government. “I have not had any response from the sports department beyond an initial contact with the undersecretary several weeks ago. The coaching table was never there, I don’t know what happened to it. We are struggling to get something but we have not achieved anything – added Gravina -. There are external contaminations within the undersecretariat for sport that do not give the right version of the ways of relating to some institutions “. A demonstration of the very precarious state of relations with Vezzali. Gravina also underlined the commitment in the direction of women’s professionalism that will start next season. “But while in Italy the fund to encourage this transition for all the federations is 2.8 million a year for 3 years, in Spain the state has invested 31 million for the same period”.

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Finally, the news that Kateryna Monzul, one of the most prestigious referees in the world, will be on the pitch in Italy until the end of the season. He is already in Turin where she trains. She will start this weekend with Inter-Sampdoria of Serie A women but it is possible, this is the wish of Gravina, that she can also be involved in men’s professionalism for May-June.

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