Home » The Monza gives home the “tourists” of the Casino – Sport

The Monza gives home the “tourists” of the Casino – Sport

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White flag. The surrender of Monza on the Casino controversy materializes immediately after the refinement in view of the transfer of the Arechi.
“The eight players will not take part in the Salerno match”, reads the brief official statement issued by the Brianza, essential to extinguish the case that stole the show in the march towards the big match this afternoon. No convocation for the various Boateng, Barillà, Bellusci, Anastasio, Gytkjaer, Donated, Armellino e Bettella, protagonists of the escape to Switzerland on Monday afternoon for a quick bet on the green tables of the Lugano casino.
The decision of the red and white club taken in synergy with the coach cleared the field of any doubts Brocchi, albeit justifying the absence of the eight members exclusively “for technical reasons, due to lack of athletic training, not having had the opportunity to train from April 27”.
In fact, since last Tuesday, for the small group of players involved in the lightning visit to Switzerland, the quarantine was initiated immediately after the return to Italy issued by the Ats Brianza and Milan, in line with the provisions of the Ministry of Health for private citizens.
The eight Monza players re-confessed of the playful afternoon in Switzerland on Monday, however, tried to soften the tone, relying yesterday on a letter of apology. “It was a little girl and our hope is that she will be taken as such. We honestly didn’t think we were doing anything that could damage the fans, the club, the coaching staff and our teammates. Unfortunately, each of us underestimated the implications, otherwise we would certainly have considered another way to spend a couple of hours of afternoon leisure. We are immensely sorry not to be able to be part of the match, but we are convinced that our teammates will give their best as has always been done by every single Monza member ”.
All eight players, however, did not take their seats on the plane on which he boarded yesterday Adriano Galliani. The CEO, furious at the stunt of his members, will return away for the first time after his very personal victory over Covid-19. Other than poker and blackjack.
«We made this choice and we remain firm on this line – the words of the coach Brocchi in presenting today’s challenge -. The players we will have at our disposal are aware that they have an important responsibility on their shoulders. This is a difficult time when the true qualities of a group emerge. What matters is to give your best to get the better of a Salernitana who has proved to be a very strong team ».
Hard punch that even the Brianza supporters had asked for yesterday afternoon through a press release. “In the decisive week there is a part of the team, also well represented by” pseudo-symbol “players who should have set an example, who preferred not to stop time, not to think about the great challenges – the note of the exponents of the Davide Curva Pieri -. We are not interested in winning at any cost at the expense of dignity, we know how to lose with honor. We would like that regardless of the possibility of bringing these players to Salerno, they would remain in Monza by choice and not by imposition and that the players who will take the field show they can do without them ».
A request that became reality with the exclusion of the eight players from the Salerno match.
Saturday Romeo
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