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the offer from a top club and no to Pinto. Talk to the agent

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the offer from a top club and no to Pinto.  Talk to the agent

The editorial staff Wednesday 9 August 2023, 10.42 pm

The Roma continue to work on the market looking for a striker to give to Mourinho. The new profiles are those of Duvan Zapata and Luis Murielon which he continues to work Tiago Pinto. It remains in the background Marko Arnautovicfor which the Giallorossi club received the no of the Bologna of Saputo to the offer of 3.5 million.

Rome, Arnautovic’s agent speaks

The situation was expressed by the brother-agent by Arnautovic who, to the microphones of Gianluca Di Marzio’s site, sent a message to the rossoblù club: “We would like to be heard by Bologna, because the agreements had been clear. Last summer and last winter we had received two very important offers from the Premier League, and out of respect for Bologna we had done nothing. We received some offers at the beginning of June , and Bologna had promised us that in the event of offers from top clubs, they would consider a transfer if Marko’s desire was to leave. Now this offer has arrivedand we would like the club to understand the importance of this opportunity for him: it would be the possibility to compete at the highest level, to win titles.”

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