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The Series: Milan and Napoli on Bologna’s collapse

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The Series: Milan and Napoli on Bologna’s collapse

Joshua Zirkzee is impressing with the Bologna. The Dutch jewel, former Bayern Munich, took the team on his shoulders with Arnautovic’s farewell, quickly becoming the technical leader of Motta’s team. His plays are already setting Serie A on fire many market experts are ready to say that at the end of the season he will be purchased by a big team. At the moment the main suspects to buy Zirkzee in Serie A are Milan and Napoli. Both, for different reasons, are looking for a striker for next season. The Dutchman fits into the identikit that both have drawn up: young, with great potential and already with a fair amount of experience.

Is Zirkzee ready for a big one?

The big question that Joshua Zirkzee it’s about his ability to immediately immerse himself in a big league. The Bologna striker is in his first season as an absolute protagonist, if we exclude the parenthesis at Anderlecht. The champion’s stigmata are already visible, but the former Bayern Munich player still has to eliminate some defects. The first thing that immediately catches the eye is the fact that he scores too little in relation to his potential. It’s true that in this first part of the season he has scored 7 goals in 19 Serie A matches, but these numbers are still low for those who want to compete with the greats.
Another thing that raises doubts is his ability to play in a big league where the team wouldn’t play for him. This is what we are reflecting on. Zirkzee is probably better suited to Milan at the moment, where Giroud is anyway, than to Napoli, where he would be called upon to lead the attack in Osimhen’s place. In any case, these teams are not the only ones interested in the player that Bologna values ​​at around 40 million.

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Zirkzee al Milan: 40%

Second Sportmediaset, Joshua Zirkzee is climbing the preferences as a striker of Milan for next season. The Rossoneri were among the first to move for the former Bayen Munich center forward and have been moving lines with the Bologna management for some time. PThis is why they are currently at a clear advantage over the competition. Much will also depend on the continuation of the player’s and Bologna’s season, but, at this moment, Furlani seems to have set the tone.

Zirkzee all’Arsenal: 35%

L’Arsenal is moving decisively to Circus. According to what is reported by the Gazzetta dello Sportthe Gunners are the most likely rivals to snatch the Dutchman from Serie A. Arteta wants to add more quality to his team’s forward department. It would also appear that the company has already budgeted a figure close to 50 million euros to offer to Bologna.

Zirkzee to Napoli: 25%

Il Napoli he is moving so as not to be unprepared for next summer, when Osimhen will probably leave the team. Circussecond Sky Sportis one of the profiles that people like the most because he already knows Serie A and would have no problems adapting. However, at this moment the Neapolitan society has only carried out surveys because it is experiencing a moment of profound technical uncertainty. This is why he is currently behind his rivals.

Davide Luciani

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