Home » West Taihu Lake continues to create water sports activities to promote the symbiosis of water culture and urban genes

West Taihu Lake continues to create water sports activities to promote the symbiosis of water culture and urban genes

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West Taihu Lake continues to create water sports activities to promote the symbiosis of water culture and urban genes

Photo by Lu Yifei Wen Xia Chenxi

In early June, the weather is getting hotter.

Recently, two water sports competitions, the Aquatic Games for Overseas Students in the Three Towns of Wujin and the 2023 Two Lakes Innovation “Weiya Cup” West Taihu Lake International Rowing Race, were held in the waters of West Taihu Lake.

In recent years, West Taihu Lake has taken advantage of its own waters to continuously develop water sports. There are not only familiar routine events such as rowing, kayaking, and dragon boats, but also niche events such as sailing, jet skis, and electric surfboards. Going to the West Taihu Lake to play in the water has become a new trend in summer.

This water area not only attracts the attention of young people, but also attracts the attention of middle-aged people

“A few of our friends come here once a week on average.” “Post-95” motorboat enthusiast Chen Binbin fell in love with this sport after experiencing the “speed and passion” brought by motorboats in Thailand 4 years ago Before the end of the tour, I began to inquire about where there is a place to play motorboats in Changzhou. Later, under the introduction of a friend, I came to the Qifeng Water Sports Club in Wujin District by the West Taihu Lake and started to learn motorboats.

“This is a ‘game for the brave’.” Chen Binbin said that there are no rugged and winding mountain roads, nor many restrictions on conventional roads. You only need to “press the accelerator to the bottom”, sprint at full speed, and feel the pleasure of being beaten against the waves. Under Chen Binbin’s strong “Amway”, his girlfriend Ai Meng also fell in love with this sport. “The control is simple and flexible, and the safety factor is high. Even beginners who are exposed to it for the first time can quickly get started.” Ai Meng told the reporter that before she got into the water for the first time, she was always afraid that her boat would capsize, but when she got on the boat and turned the accelerator under the guidance of the coach, she realized that the center of gravity was very stable.

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“When you ride a motorboat and gallop in the water, what you gain is a sense of pride of ‘ruling the waves’.” Chen Binbin said that motorboats test technology, experience and courage, and young people pursue The most important thing is the sense of speed and impact that are not available on land.

“It only took me 5 minutes from stepping into the water center to deciding to buy a motorboat.” Zhang Xiaofen, 45 years old this year, said that when she was running by the West Taihu Lake a few years ago, looking at the calm lake surface, she thought of the experience at the seaside many years ago. After a motorboat experience, she thought, “It would be great if there were motorboats in West Taihu Lake.” So she asked the residents walking nearby along the lake, and she really found out. According to the navigation, she came to the motorboat water center in West Taihu Lake. In the sales hall full of motorboats, Zhang Xiaofen was very excited. In less than five minutes, she bought a motorboat. Not long after the delivery was completed, she was in front of the coach. Under the leadership into the water.

For Zhang Xiaofen, the motorboat is an excellent decompression tool. “The waves stirred up by the motorboat hit me, and I sang loudly. It was so comfortable.” She said, no matter how old I am, I am not old-fashioned, and I dare to take risks and try things I like.

“No Wind and Waves” New Energy Surfboarding Gathered in West Taihu Lake

Changzhou is not a coastal city, but many Changzhou people are no strangers to surfing. Compared with traditional surfboards, electric surfboards are powered by lithium batteries. They are suitable for various waters in rivers, lakes and seas. They are easy to operate, with a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour and a battery life of 20-40 minutes. “Electric surfboard is a sports equipment independently developed and manufactured by China with complete independent intellectual property rights. It is a revolutionary achievement of power water sports equipment. It will play a good role in leading and demonstrating the development of green and environmentally friendly water power projects in the world in the future. role.” said Zhang Qifeng, head of Qifeng Water Sports Club in Wujin District.

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At present, most electric surfboard enthusiasts and athletes in Changzhou are training in West Taihu Lake. Taking advantage of the platform of West Taihu Lake, Changzhou has assembled professional water sports athletes from many domestic sports colleges to promote the development of water sports.

On May 6 this year, a match of the 2023 National Power Surfboard League kicked off in Xianhai Lake, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province. Chen Zhangke from Changzhou won the first place in the youth U16 group slalom race. It is worth mentioning that Changzhou Power has fully demonstrated in this National Power Surfboard League. Zhang Qifeng, a member of the motorboat national team coaching staff, also served as the chief referee of this competition. Changzhou Tuke Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., as one of the four domestic manufacturers of powered surfboards, made its debut in this competition. Domestic surfboards have greatly promoted the rapid development of the domestic sports industry and provided inexhaustible power for the transformation and upgrading of the sports industry. Changzhou’s brilliant performance on power surfboards has also made more people see the industrial and humanistic charm of the “new energy capital”.

In West Taihu Lake, there are almost all water sports you can think of

“Water sports are mainly divided into two sections.” Zhang Qifeng said. In 2018, Zhang Qifeng established Jiangsu Qifeng Jinlan Sports Culture Development Co., Ltd. in Wujin West Taihu Lake to introduce those “tall” sports events to Changzhou one after another, so that Changzhou citizens can enjoy the joy of playing in the water.

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Zhang Qifeng told reporters that water sports are divided into powered boats and non-powered boats. Kayaks, sailing boats, rowing boats, and paddle boards are non-powered boats, while powered boats include motor boats and powered surfboards. “There are more classifications of motorboats.” Zhang Qifeng introduced that motorboats are divided into several types such as sitting, standing and formula, and even the highly ornamental “water trapeze” belongs to the category of motorboats.

As a natural lake that preserves the original ecological landscape in southern Jiangsu, West Taihu Lake gathers the most precious water ecological resources in Changwu. The wide lake, good view, few obstacles and beautiful ecological environment make it the city’s most advantageous non-navigable water area in terms of site, resources, environment and talents, and it has gradually become a paradise for professional water athletes and enthusiasts.

At present, Wujin District Water Sports Association, Qifeng Sports, Milan Yachting, and FLYRRARI (Flying West Coast) have attracted three clubs to settle in and conduct training. The training programs include motorboat driving, yacht driving and some water sports. West Taihu Lake has also become the training base for the National Motorboat Team, Changzhou Rowing Team and Kayak Team, the Blue Sky Rescue Training Base, and the partner and preparation base for the China Super Sailing City League and the Hong Kong Rowing Team.

In the future, West Taihu Lake will continue to create more water sports activities, promote the symbiosis and symbiosis of water culture and urban genes, create an influential city IP and cultural window, and increase the inner power of the city of youth and the city of the future.

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