Home » Wynants still on target But Banchette does not take off

Wynants still on target But Banchette does not take off

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A goal scored by Wynants at the beginning of the second half is not enough to give the victory to Banchette Ivrea away from Valdruento.

Mr. Kevin Bardus’s team returns to Druento with a 2-1 defeat, after a very hard-fought match, decided above all by the episodes. In the first half the match was substantially balanced, with Banchette Ivrea unable to find the right opening to hit and Valdruento not able to sting much from Mordenti’s parts, while in the second 45 ‘the game took off. Returning from the locker rooms, the Ivrea players immediately jump forward in search of the advantage, which actually arrives at the first shot on goal of the second half: the goal comes from a good action by Wynants, good at entering the penalty area with ball and chain, to dribble first Causin and then Di Nunno and finally to beat the home goalkeeper Busti with a poisonous shot at the far post.

The joy for the advantage, however, does not last long, because the Banchette Ivrea soon collects the draw immediately and to sign it is the former of the game: the central defender Tigani, icy from the spot in the 20 ‘, following an ingenuity defensive of Wynants. Parity returned to the field, Banchette Ivrea tries to reorganize their ideas, to get back in the lead, Bardus also throws D’Agostino into the fray to give more weight to the attack, but the change does not pay, because at the half hour Palladino pulls out of the hat a splendid goal at the intersection of the goalposts from long distance, on which the goalkeeper Mordenti can do nothing. In the final, the young Delmestre also enters the fray to support the last boarding, but the change with the defender Scala does not have the desired effect: the Banchette Ivrea not even in injury time can find the flicker to bring home at least a draw , which would have been of little use, if not above all for morale. The Banquet team is more and more entangled in the playout area, but also given Druento’s attitude, he has no desire to throw in the towel ahead of time, but still to fight until the last moment of the championship, without any fear, to try to be able to obtain the permanence in the Promotion also in the next season. –

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