Home » A streaming platform (free) and its AI: the future of NASA is not only in space

A streaming platform (free) and its AI: the future of NASA is not only in space

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A streaming platform (free) and its AI: the future of NASA is not only in space

It won’t be “his ChatGPT”, as someone wrote, but it will have some characteristics, such as the fact of be a GPT, i.e. a Generative Pre-trainer Transformer, a language learning model also capable of producing content independently. A new generative artificial intelligence, the first to be headed by NASA.

The American Space Agency he confirmed its birth by announcing (Who) collaboration with IBM for this purpose and also the fact that the software will be completely open source and that the scientific community will be able access it freely on the Hugging Face platform (Who). Which is perhaps the most important thing and it is also a difference significant precisely compared to what OpenAI does with ChatGPT.

It is not the only novelty in sight for NASA, which is also ready to make its debut its own streaming platformcalled Nasa Plus .

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youtube: come funziona Geospatial FM

What will NASA’s AI be for?

As explained, the main purpose of Geospatial FM will be linked to the study of the effects of climate change on the Earth: estimates say that in 2024 the agency will have around 250,000 terabytes of geographic and geological data derived from the observation of our planet, accompanied by satellite images. It’s a huge amount of informationwhich people would not be able to evaluate and process on their own: this is where the new AI will come into play, which will be called upon to analyze everything and help scientists carry out research and make predictions.

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Il principle of operation it is similar to the one used (for example) by Google with its Flood Hub, the platform based on artificial intelligence that offers forecasts and estimates on flooding and rainfall based on real data, and which is also available in Italy. Obviously, since it is NASA, everything takes place on a larger, planetary and galactic scale: the data and images arrive and will arrive from the various space telescopes belonging to the American agency and also from satellite Copernicus of the ESA.

Development of Geospatial FM started in January 2023, and the AI ​​went live last July: “We believe these learning models have the potential to change the way data is analyzed and help us better understand our planet – he explained Kevin Murphy, chief science data officer della Nasa By making them open source and accessible worldwide, we hope to multiply their impact and effectiveness.”

On your part, Sriram Raghavan, vice president of IBM for research in AI, recalled that “the essential role of open-source technologies to accelerate discoveries in the field of climate change has never been so clear” and that “combining IBM’s commitment to creating flexible AI systems and reusable with NASA’s satellite data archive and making it available on Hugging Face, which remains the leading open-source AI platformwe can harness the power of collaboration to implement faster, more impactful solutions that will improve our planet.”

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youtube: the announcement of the arrival of Nasa Plus

What will we see on NASA Plus?

As mentioned, this is not the only novelty in the near future of NASA: the other, perhaps scientifically less relevant but more significant in terms of impact that it could have on people, is the birth of a streaming channel that belongs to the American space agency.

It’s called Nasa Plus, it should be available in the second half of 2023 and (as perhaps the name suggests) mimics the best-known platforms, from Netflix to Disney Plus and Paramount Plus. The fundamental difference is that this will be completely free and also without ads: “Ad free, no cost and family friendly”, as described online by NASA itself.

Accessible from the NASA app for Android and iOSwhich will benefit from a profound restyling precisely for this reason, as well as from Apple TV, Fire TV and the nasa.gov site, Nasa Plus will offer a catalog of original productions dedicated to Space and scientific dissemination and above all will broadcast live broadcasts of the various missions and of rocket launches, those so far visible on YouTube. The move is strategically smart, because it allows NASA to somehow keep the (usually important) clicks and views related to these events at home, instead of giving them away to Google’s video-upload platform.

Marc Etkind, Head of Communications at NASA headquarters, confirmed that “with the new streaming platform we put Space at our fingertips” and that “transforming our digital presence will help us better tell the stories of how NASA explores the unknown and innovates for the benefit of mankind”. At the same time making the work of increasingly difficult flat earthers and conspiracy theorists various, those that “we have never been to the moon” and “the starry sky is just a photo”.

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