Home » Can you fall in love with an AI? Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google: “Let’s put together for this too”

Can you fall in love with an AI? Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google: “Let’s put together for this too”

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Can you fall in love with an AI?  Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google: “Let’s put together for this too”

“First, let me say that I really like my spouse. Because she may be listening to me proper now.”

Sundar Pichaithe CEO of Alphabet and Google, initially responds with a joke to the query that many have been asking since when generative AIable to expressing herself like a human being, was opened to the general public: “Is it doable that an individual, sooner or later, may fall in love with a man-made intelligence?”.

Just in nowadays, following the bulletins of Google and OpenAI, the New York Times wrote: “The Her period has begun for AI”, citing the 2013 movie by Spike Jonze by which the protagonist, Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix), holds an more and more intimate relationship with a man-made intelligence.

“A expertise that progresses all the time gives a number of use instances” Pichai instructed us, one of many protagonists of the Google I/O convention which was held two days in the past in Mountain View, Silicon Valley.

“I believe there are optimistic facets. As AI turns into extra highly effective, folks may use it to converse – defined the Google CEO -. For instance, AI is a good instrument for many who have communication issues.”

“There can be individuals who can even use it to protect the recollections of their family members – added Pichai – So I believe that by having such a strong expertise accessible, there’s really a risk that individuals could have deep relationships with these synthetic intelligence assistants, which we name AI Agent”.

“And so sure, we should always put together ourselves for the chance that each one this occurs” Pichai instructed us, including that for this very cause Google is attempting to cope with synthetic intelligence in a “accountable” manner, chasing progress but in addition attempting to mitigate any destructive facets associated to this expertise.

The Google I/O occasion, the longer term belongs to assistants geared up with synthetic intelligence by our correspondent Pier Luigi Pisa 15 May 2024

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The CEO of Alphabet and Google then talked about when he fell in love, professionally, with synthetic intelligence.

“Maybe it occurred after I first noticed a demo of the crew Google Brainwhich he later turned Google DeepMind – Pichai instructed us -. The second they confirmed me how a neural community may acknowledge, for instance, a cat. At that exact second I had an epiphany: I understood that this expertise would work.”

“As , I grew up in India,” mentioned Pichai, who joined Google in 2004 and went on to turn out to be CEO of the corporate, and its dad or mum firm Alphabet, precisely ten years later. when the 2 founders Sergej Brin and Larry Page left the helm of the corporate.

The story Why Sergey Brin’s phrases on Google’s AI are so vital by Pier Luigi Pisa 05 March 2024

“What attracted me to the web, after I was a boy, was the attention that it was the primary actually democratic instrument – Pichai instructed us -. By reaching out to everybody, he modified issues. Thanks to the web we’ve got gone from maybe half a billion folks with entry to data expertise to over 4 billion people as we speak. And so long as you could have entry to IT and a connection, you could have at your fingertips the identical information which you could purchase wherever else on the planet”. A query of milliseconds by Riccardo Luna 14 May 2024

“For me, AI has the identical potential because the web – concluded Pichai – This can also be a expertise that may change issues. Today only a few folks can afford a non-public trainer or a private physician, proper? And it is a cause for inequality. The alternative for AI to offer many extra folks with these capabilities I believe is one thing crucial.”

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