Home » How can you live with little oxygen in the highest city in the world?

How can you live with little oxygen in the highest city in the world?

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How can you live with little oxygen in the highest city in the world?

Do you think it is possible to live with little oxygen in the highest city in the world? A new study reveals the answer and maybe it will become the destination of your next trip.

An international research published in the journal Hemasphere studied a particular in which the University of Milan and the French University of Grenoble took part, he studied the link between iron metabolism and the formation of red blood cells by specifically analyzing the inhabitants residing in Peru. Why exactly this nation? Simple, since there is the highest city in the world that is to say corner. Although it will not be difficult to pronounce how Utqiajku the city with the name similar to a password, let’s find out what it is.

The areas taken into consideration by the various analyzes were three: that at sea level, a high-altitude area located at 3,800 meters and the city of Rinconada itself, located 5,100 meters above sea level. The results clearly showed that the human body adapts perfectly to the conditions of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) induced by high altitudes. It succeeds in this by synthesizing huge amounts of hemoglobin, which is necessary for the transport of oxygen in our body.

Obviously to produce hemoglobin, red blood cells use large quantities of iron and what Dr. Recalcati specified is that: “The results indicate that the progressive increase in red blood cells and hemoglobin mass, it is not accompanied by iron deficiency“. Apparently, it is the high levels of the protein that prevent its deficiency “ceruloplasmina” which plays a fundamental role in the metabolism itself and is produced following the lack of oxygen.

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Although not of great impact like the floating city Pangeos, those extrapolated from the highest city in the world are important elements that can be useful for example to help people suffering from respiratory diseases with severe chronic hypoxia or with blood disorders such as polycythemia.

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