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LinkMonitor and Linkiller ensure your online reputation

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LinkMonitor and Linkiller ensure your online reputation

Il 28% of Italians says he has suffered a violation of his digital identity (Ipsos). The cases of defamation, harassment e threats (+14% in 2021 against 2020), stalking (+34%), sextortion (+69%) e dissemination of personal and intimate images for various criminal purposes, what used to be called revenge porn but which we prefer to describe differently (+110%, Clusit). Now comes something new: Digital Protectiona company specializing in cyber reputation, e Wallife, an insurtech startup whose mission is precisely to protect people from the possible risks deriving from the use of new technologies, are launching a strategic partnership that brings a new insurance product to the market, certainly sui generis. Is called Wallife Biometrics ID and it is a solution designed precisely to respond to the growing need for people to be protected. How does he do it? Integrating in the coverage of the tools developed by Tutela Digitale: LinkMonitor e Linkiller.

What are the top online reputation threats?

“Threats to online reputation are different but they all have a common outcome: they create damage to both the professional and personal spheres from which it is difficult to get out – he says Gabriel Gallassico-founder with Sveva Antonini of the company, a Italian Tech – what is published on the internet is forever, accessible to all and infinitely reproducible. Having made this necessary premise, if we wanted to bring the threats back to three main macro-areas, the first would undoubtedly concern all that pertains to crimes against the person perpetrated via the network. I am referring to stalking, sextortion, renvege porn whose effects unfortunately often end up in the news. Many problems also brought about by untruthful defamatory comments aimed at professionals, companies as well as shopkeepers and restaurateurs who risk important repercussions on their business. And finally there is us, who very often insert contents without knowing how viral they can reach”.

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How LinkMonitor and Linkiller work

How does the new policy that seeks to protect our online reputation work? Upon the occurrence of the theft of the data contained in one’s smartphone, Tutela Digitale will activate Wallife Social for the policyholder six months of the LinkMonitor service. Through the analysis of 150 million online sources, the tool examines the data collected and informs in real time on the possible presence of harmful content. Should personal material stored inside the device be disseminated and published online, the twin app based on proprietary technology, Linkiller, will come into play, capable of eliminating most of the contents deemed harmful and defamatory, such as photos and videos that are not authorised, fake pages and profiles, thanks to the collaboration with, among others, social networks, internet service providers and blogs.

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People often realize the importance of online reputation only when it’s too late and they don’t know how to fix it, perhaps falling into panic: “Awareness is certainly growing but still too often a little naivety is sinned – continues the Bolognese Gallassi, 41 years old, a past in a totally different world, as a guitarist and co-founder of the Moonpop with Cesare Cremonini – we tend to forget that everything that is posted is indelible and that in the future it could generate unpleasant situations that are not easy to manage. What we always recommend, as a ground rule, is first of all, of activate alert tools to monitor in real time if content about us is published and then di Always apply privacy filters to what you share, whether they are posts and even more so for photos and videos. It happens, for example, that the right attention is still not paid to the conditions on the use of the images”.

From fighting piracy to online reputation efforts

In this sense, the path of Digital Protection is interesting, which from the fight against music piracy and counterfeiting in general then decided to turn towards an area in Italy still uncovered, precisely that of defending one’s online reputation, which is obviously one’s reputation tout court: “Tutela Digitale was born in 2017. At that time we dealt with online anti-piracy and anti-counterfeiting with the company Red Points, of which we were co-founders in Italy, to date among the undisputed leaders in this sector, of which we are still partners for the national market – continues Gallassi – there we understood how much a tool, accessible to all, was still missing in Italy to protect one’s online reputation and took form LinKiller. We have developed a web platform which also has its app version and which allows theelimination or de-indexing from the network of content deemed harmful such as photos, videos, fake profiles and content that no longer respects the right to report”.

The reputational algorithm of LinkMonitor and Linkiller

At the basis of everything there is, of course, an algorithm: “Once the feasibility of the intervention has been established, thanks to our reputational algorithm, Linkiller manages the removal of harmful content and allows people to check, via push notifications directly from the app, the number of deleted links and the progress of the removal and de-indexing process – concludes the co-founder – we then developed a series of services that always intertwine the theme of digital reputation. LinkMonitor is our web sentinel: it monitors the reputation of people, brands, companies and products 24/7 from sources around the world, analyzes the data collected and provides real-time information on the presence of negative content. Then, always for companies and people, also the service LinkBetter which contributes to the rehabilitation of web reputation through the creation of contents designed for the web – obviously truthful – studied in compliance with the most effective SEO rules, indexed in optimal positions so as to appear on the first search results. All this contributes to the creation of a new digital identity”.

But how much does it cost to defend yourself in this way? “Compared to the cost, it is always proportional to the effort required. For example, Linkiller provides for payment upon result obtained, i.e. when the link is removed or de-indexed and is proportional to the number of links to be managed”.

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