Home » New iPad commercial stopped after shitstorm

New iPad commercial stopped after shitstorm

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New iPad commercial stopped after shitstorm

Senseless destruction, the new iPad Pro as a solution: A new commercial from Apple is stirring up emotions. Shortly after publication, Apple backtracked and apologized. The spot “missed its target”. The first parodies don’t take long to appear.

iPad Pro: Apple commercial causes outrage

After a long wait, Apple has introduced new iPads. Two fresh iPad Pros were also a must, including a new commercial. But it’s not well received by all viewers. The YouTube video has collected around 20,000 likes and 29,000 dislikes.

In the controversial commercial “Crush!”, various objects from the creative industries are used crushed by a large scrap press. Musical instruments, cameras and televisions don’t stand a chance. A little later it turns out that Apple has squeezed everything into a new iPad Pro. The message is clear: the new, particularly thin OLED tablet makes all of these things superfluous.

You can watch the commercial for yourself here:

Crush! Apple’s criticized commercial for the iPad Pro

Quite a few viewers criticize the spot on social networks insensitive and destructive – especially in times when the creative industry is already under pressure due to technological changes. In view of the widespread rejection, Apple decided to run the spot not wanting to show it on television.

Apple has now even apologized for the spot: “We were wrong with the video and say sorry”says Tor Myhren, Apple’s head of marketing communications. The advertising “missed its target”. According to Myhren, it was never the intention to upset creative people (source: AdAge).

Crush advertising: parodies are gaining momentum

As you would expect, there are already various parodies of the Apple commercial in circulation. On The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, it’s no longer just objects being crushed by the scrap press.

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The YouTuber Steam Co has decided on a worthwhile remake of the iconic Apple advertisement from 1984, in which Apple’s treatment of creative people made fun of becomes. Under the motto “Uncrush!”, the YouTube channel Living In Harmony shows that a Huawei tablet can be the opposite of the new iPad Pro.

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