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NoName hackers attack Italian banks…

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NoName hackers attack Italian banks…

The hackers of NoName057(16), also known as NoNameclaimed to have affected several major online infrastructures Italian banks. This announcement has raised concern among customers and raised questions about the security of personal and financial information.

NoName hackers attack Italian banks

According to Punto Informatico, the banks involved in the alleged attacks include Intesa Sanpaolo, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, BPER Banca, Banca Popolare di Sondrio, Fineco, Fideuram and CheBanca!. The claims published on the collective’s Telegram channel come accompanied by the image of a bear, a kind of signature.

According to the claims, the hacking group’s actions have had a significant impact on the infrastructure of the affected banks. The hackers boasted that they had hit several institutions, in response to Meloni’s meeting with Biden. But as CyberSecurity 360 reports, portals and apps would only be offline for a short time, without user data ever being at risk.

The NoName hacker group is a pro-Russian organization active since March 2022, responsible for various attacks against various realities and infrastructures – including Italian ones. Among the targets are the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Carabinieri website and the online infrastructure of the Electronic Identity Card. Recently, they have reported actions against numerous transport companies in different Italian regions.

They mostly use DDoS attacks to make platforms and services inaccessible or unusable. Their targets are mainly countries considered enemies of Russia due to their support of Ukraine in the ongoing conflict.

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