Home » OpenAI has opened its GPT Store: how to create and sell an AI

OpenAI has opened its GPT Store: how to create and sell an AI

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OpenAI has opened its GPT Store: how to create and sell an AI

OpenAI, the San Francisco company he created ChatGpthas opened a virtual shop dedicated to GPTi.e. artificial intelligences created by users to carry out specific activities.

The GPT store was supposed to debut in December 2023, but the chaos generated by the dismissal – and subsequent reinstatement – of the CEO Sam Altman it made everything slide.

Subscribers to ChatGpt Plus and ChatGpt Enterprise, the two subscription formulas designed by OpenAI for individuals and businesses, can create in just a few steps, and without being programming expertsa personalized version of ChatGpt that responds only to very specific instructions: translate from English to Italian, for example, or teach creative writing or even give targeted advice on future books to read or on how to write a professional email.

Everything happens on the same platform that hosts ChatGpt, accessible either from the browser (at the address https://chat.openai.com) or official app available for Android and iOS. To access the store, simply click on the word “Explore GPTs” which is located on the left column which houses the history of conversations between the user and the AI.

Per look for a GPTamong those created by other users or OpenAI partners, simply type a keyword in the large white bar in the center of the screen, where the writing appears “Search Public GPTs”.

By writing “Design”, for example, you get a list that includes GPTs for creating logos or presentations (the most popular GPT, in this regard, seems to be the one created by Canva). By writing “Training” or the Italian equivalent “Allenamento”, you instead receive a list of GPTs focused on fitness, most of which refer to a “Personal GPT Trainer”, a sort of virtual trainer who can give advice on how to maintain in shape.

The search for GPTs, in short, it can be done in both English and Italian. And it is good to remember that ChatGpt understands our language well. So even if we select a GPT created by an English user, with a description of his skills in English, it is sufficient to ask the AI ​​to respond in Italian to get the same advice we would have received by asking questions in English.

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In addition to research, OpenAI makes available to users some “rumors” regarding the most popular categories, which users can browse to find an interesting GPT. They range from “writing” to “productivity”, passing through “programming” and creating images under “Dall-E”which is the name of OpenAI’s artificial intelligence model dedicated to generating realistic illustrations, drawings or photos starting from a textual description.

Among the GPTs dedicated to image generationproposed directly by OpenAI, there are some interesting ones: “Super Describe”for example, allows us to upload an image in our possession and obtain, based on the analysis that the AI ​​will carry out, a textual description that can be used to have an image with a similar style, for example, but with different content.

OpenAI stated that since November 6th – the day the GPTs were announced – three million custom ChatGpts have been created to date.

Creating a GPT is simple. Once on the store, simply click on the green button at the top right, where it is written “Create a GPT”. At that point just fill in the fields proposed from time to time by GPT Editor: we will be asked if we have a name in mind for our AI, and a description of what it will have to do. ChatGpt will take care of the icon that will represent it directly, providing proposals that we can accept or reject.

The “value” of GPTs lies in their information in our possession that we can upload to “train” you: documents, data, graphics, everything that can be used to carry out a very specific task.

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Has anyone noticed, however, that this is also the weak point of OpenAI’s strategy: It’s not that complicated to force the GPT – through the “right” questions – to reveal the instructions and information that were used to create it. This, in fact, calls into question the value of GPTs: if they are not sufficiently protected, and anyone could clone them, investment in personalized AI loses its appeal. Especially if, in the future, OpenAI asks its users to pay extra to use them.

To make sure that your GPT ends up on the storeand having the possibility of earning from the use that other users will make of it, is fundamental – at the end of the creation – save the GPT “for everyone” and check – in the settings – yours “Builder profile”providing a name and a referring website.

OpenAI announced that the creators of GPT will start making money starting from the first quarter of 2024. It is not yet clear the exact moment when the first payments will take place. In this regard it is important to underline that, at least initially, they will be able to receive compensation for their GPTs American users only.

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