Home » Rome Future Week is back: the map of the capital’s future in a week of events

Rome Future Week is back: the map of the capital’s future in a week of events

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Rome Future Week is back: the map of the capital’s future in a week of events

A week dedicated to the future. From Rome, of course. But not only. Will come back from 16 to 22 September the Rome Future Week, second edition for a turning point event for the capital, often more focused on its past than committed to thinking about the prospects linked to innovation, startups and technology. The presentation on March 12th at Macro, a true preview, revealed the menu of a program that last year brought together – in the logic of a virtuous network of events – 380 events, 30 thousand participants in person, 70 thousand digital interactions and over 7 million views on various social media channels. In September 2023, a new map of the city came to life – such a response was not a given – which will come back to life a year later. And be enriched by new universities, companies, businesses, bodies, institutions, professionals to be part of it.

The festival, conceived by SCAI Comunicazione and sponsored by Campidoglio, was in fact born with the ambition of writing the future of the Capital by networking the thematic communities that work every day, perhaps a little isolated from each other, to develop the contemporary in the city : from technological centers to universities, from hubs where startups incubate and grow to professional studios, schools and outdoor places, the eventi, talk, show e laboratories it will have to be built to measure, the supply will be so plentiful.

The big themes at the center of the week

Otto i large cluster in which the events will be collected: technology, communication and new media, culture, creativity and social innovation, energy and sustainability, smart cities and infrastructure, mobility and transport, research and training, financial innovation and economy, health, well-being and biotech. In the intentions of the organizers, they are the key to deciphering and building the relationship between the future, sustainable development, technology and citizenship. Compared to last year, the calendar will be enriched with a series of preparatory stages and the participation of international speakers, with many events naturally in English. But the program, like last year, will be updated until the last available second.

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“The idea from which Rome Future Week was born is to activate people, organizations and ecosystems to make things happen – he explains Michele Franzesecreator of the initiative and general director of SCAI – the week of the event is the trigger, the path of the months preceding and following it is the artisanal and human work that aims to create a real impact. Rome Future Week is an event that wants to leave its mark. This ambition translates into seven days full of practical initiatives such as Open Connectionsthe idea that at events each participant leaves their contact available to others, demonstrating that the relationships that arise in a happening must continue when the lights go out”.

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Some new features of the second edition

During the appointment on 12 March at the Macro in via Nizza Franzese therefore revealed the news together with the councilor for security policies, productive activities and equal opportunities, Monica Lucarelli. Among the protagonist initiatives of the second edition, the presentation of a collection of Roman science fiction writersthe evenings in clubs of Rome chosen following a particular thread that is not only that of the food and wine and entertainment offer and a review curated by the bookshops which will offer a selection of titles useful for imagining our future (and that of the city). They’re coming back too Future Explorersthe selection of 300 young people aged 18 to 30already professionals or looking for work, who trained in the open stage, participating in last year’s events and thus acquiring the first digital certification badge of their skills. The badge issued with participation in the first edition of RFW can be used on your personal Linkedin profile and has already become a de facto multiplier of opportunities. This year, in fact, it will happen again.

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“We are working first and foremost connectors – explains Franzese – weaving a thread between people and organizations sometimes with profoundly different objectives but which can converge in having a concrete impact on the city and its inhabitants. The objective is to build a new map of Rome made of connections that bring together citizens, institutions, realities and visionaries. Often with each other the various players do not have a shared field in which to meet and play: we create that field, neutral, clear, transparent, which then helps them connect in a way they hadn’t done yet. We are a blender, we put together things that would normally live on different levels with the risk of never meeting.”

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