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Startup AMEXIS in the founder’s view

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Startup AMEXIS in the founder’s view

In the Gründerview we present exciting startups at regular intervals. The CyberLab team AMEXIS focuses on intelligent detailed planning in production using AI for medium-sized companies.
In an interview, we spoke to founder Christian Wild and asked him the well-known ten Gründerview questions.

Your startup in a tweet?

Behind AMEXIS are 5 1/2 people with a common goal: We establish fully autonomous production optimization. We will be the brains of production in the future.

How did your business idea come about; what was the initial spark?

Through many years in management consulting, primarily in the production industry, it has long been clear where we can create the most added value for our customers and where the need is greatest. In 2020 the time had finally come and the idea was put into practice.

How big is your team, who is part of it and how did you find each other?

Our team consists of 3 permanent team members and 3 members who support us part-time, mainly in the areas of UX/UI and marketing. As far as the finding is concerned, the team consists partly of family, partly of former colleagues and recommendations.

Who benefits from your idea and why?

Everyone involved in production planning. AMEXIS shows savings potential, optimizes production processes and even learns over time. The visualized production steps make abstract processes visible and can also be easily illustrated.

What does your everyday work look like – is there such a thing as “everyday life”?

Yes, there is indeed. We work agile and our work process is based on Scrum. We also got a coach on board from the start. Especially with our initial setup (1 permanent team member, the rest part-time), coordination within the team was a challenge. Workshops helped us to get a better grip on our communication and work processes and also to learn agile working in practice.

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Why did you choose an accelerator like CyberLab?

As a lone fighter, things are only half as fun and usually don’t turn out as well. We like to network, because that brings everyone forward. Above all, the exchange of experiences and mutual coaching, mentoring and sparring is what makes such an accelerator special for us.

Which startup excited or inspired you the most?

Inspired and inspired by the beginnings of Microsoft in the late 70’s. There’s a guy sitting in his garage with a calculator and a goal, and he just goes for it! So are we.

What’s the next big step?

This is clearly the kick-off of our pilot project!

Which stumbling blocks did you have to climb over when founding the company?

Since the first lines of code, our software has completely realigned itself. Technical topics like architecture, tech stack and so on took longer than expected as we included a very young team and many topics also had a learning curve. It also took a while to choose a suitable and sufficiently powerful algorithm, but the result was worth it.

Do you have any advice/tips for other founders?

Be brave! Dare and do! Listen to your customers and focus on your goal.

Unforeseen problems in the supply chains, complex processes and ad hoc management lead to a fire brigade mode of the production planners.
With AMEXIS, detailed planning in production is intelligently optimized. Updates from the shop floor are proactively recorded and included. The AI ​​constantly determines the best solution. In this way, production efficiency can be increased by more than 30%.

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