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Tech360 Revolution is the call4ideas launched by Digital360

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Tech360 Revolution is the call4ideas launched by Digital360

Open Innovation

by Editorial Staff

Published on 24 Jan 2024

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Con Tech360 Revolution the group Digital360, publisher of this magazine, confirms its vocation as a player in the innovation market. After the various acquisitions that have consolidated his leadership in Italy and expanded his presence in the LATAM area, now comes a call4ideas aimed at startups, tech companies, developers and young talents. Solutions and technologies in the field can be nominated for the initiative by 16 February 2024 Martech (Marketing Technology) e Salestech (Sales Technology). In both sectors, Digital360 today plays a role of primary importance and acts as a driver and trailblazer. The objective of the initiative, we read in a note from the Group, is “to meet the most innovative companies on the Italian market and evaluate strategic collaborations of an industrial, financial, commercial or editorial nature”.

A call4ideas for Martech and Salestech “intra-entrepreneurs”.

Andrea Rangone, President of Digital360, explains the reasons that pushed the company to promote Tech360 Revolution: “Martech and Salestech are rapidly growing areas worldwide, destined to exponentially revolutionize marketing and sales. With this call we want to get in touch with innovative companies, to evaluate together forms of collaboration aimed at supporting our and their development plan. We are convinced that people and their ideas are the fuel of every business and we are looking for ‘intra-entrepreneurs’, bearers of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, determined like us to change the market in which they operate”.

Bring innovation to customer operations through the power of extended enterprise

In particular, the areas in which “intra-entrepreneurs” must demonstrate their talent are:

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ABM (Account Based Marketing)
Customer Data Platform
Buyer persona B2B
Audience engagement
Dynamic retargeting
Metodi di tracciamento IP
Purchase Intent Data
Campagne di marketing intent-based
Cookieless tracking
Lead generation da traffico anonimo

How to apply to Tech360 Revolution and what you “win”

To submit your application, you need to fill out the form available here which requires the inclusion of some simple information on the person presenting the idea and the project you intend to propose. All solutions received by February 16, 2024 will be carefully evaluated by Digital360 top management who will draw up a ranking of finalists. An information and in-depth meeting will follow to evaluate the next steps together, with collaboration hypotheses that can range from the simple provision of services to strategic partnerships, up to investment operations in the companies participating in the call.

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