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the fight against the piece continues with heavy fines and arrests

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the fight against the piece continues with heavy fines and arrests

The government has decided to toughen the penalties and sanctions aimed at those who use the Pezzotto. Therefore, not only the broadcasters, i.e. those who transmit illegal streaming, are at risk, but also the users who join these services. This is a policy that has chosen to prosecute in a particularly heavy way the figures involved in a business that, for years, has caused incalculable damage to the economy and social fabric of the Peninsula. For this reason, it is time to delve deeper into the fight against the piece and the dangers faced by those who watch the contents in question.

The government’s fight against illegal IPTV continues

The authorities do not leave, on the contrary, they double down. The government has in fact chosen to overreach even further, increasing the penalties and sanctions inflicted on broadcasters and viewers who finance, often unknowingly, the activities of the criminal organizations at the head of these networks. For proof, just consult the online articles that talk about it new anti-pezzotto lawand which list in detail all the sanctions foreseen.

Law 93/2023, which came into force on 8 August this year, provides for very high fines for users who benefit from the services of illegal IPTVs, as well as the possibility of receiving a criminal complaint and, in some cases, incurring a arrest. In other words, we are faced with a very strong signal, sent to those who continue to consider these services as an “economical” way to watch content such as Serie A live.

Because there is absolutely nothing economical about it, given that the fines can reach up to an amount of 5,000 euros. Not to mention the greatest and most serious danger of all: the risk of ending up in prison, up to 3 years of imprisonment, ruining your life. The anti-pezzotto law, among other things, also provides for new systems that will allow AGCOM to block illegal streaming sites within half an hour of receiving the report.

What do users of pirated IPTV risk?

The use of pirated IPTV also involves significant IT risks, which are often wrongly underestimated by users. Viewers, by connecting to these networks to access content, expose their devices to malicious software such as viruses, Trojans or ransomware. These are malware that can be “trained” to steal sensitive data, such as personal information and banking details.

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In addition to cyber threats, there is another issue that deserves to be highlighted: namely the fact that, by watching these pirated IPTVs, the criminal organizations that manage the piece are financed. In other words, you become part of a system responsible for, for example, drug dealing or prostitution.

Finally, the quality of the content offered by pirate IPTVs leaves something to be desired. These services cannot in any way guarantee a viewing experience worthy of the name, due to problems such as frame freezing, disconnections and buffering, as well as very low resolution.

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