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The product workers: Product owners in the group – a contradiction?

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The product workers: Product owners in the group – a contradiction?

Product worker Tim Klein is hosting Daniel Dubbel from DB Systel today to discuss working as a product owner in a corporation. Dubbel is a long-standing and experienced agile coach at DB Systel, the internal IT company in the DB Group. He is a manager there and is actively involved in the company’s organizational development in his role as Agility Master. As part of this responsibility, he also represented DB Systel in the DACH30 network, an association of 30 group companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. DACH30 has been meeting regularly four times a year for several years to discuss agility in such large companies.


In this context, discussions about agile roles within the group also took place and “minimum standards for corporate agility” were developed. Since this was of course also about product owner responsibility, the product workers invited Daniel Dubbel as a guest for this episode to find out about the special features of being a product owner in the group. But Tim Klein is also interested in DACH30: What was the motivation for defining such explicit role descriptions for group agility? And how does the Product Owner role, described in these minimum standards as “Value Owner,” differ from the Product Owner as defined in the Scrum Guide?

The two also go on an exciting excursion to address the question of how customers and users can be integrated into the corporate environment. At the end of the conversation, Daniel Dubbel also gives his very personal tips for product owners in the group.

In the conversation, Tim Klein refers, among other things, to the “Lean Coffee for Agility in Insurance”, a voluntary network initiative by employees from insurance companies. Every six weeks, employees from insurance companies meet here in a self-organized, protected space. Anyone who works permanently in an insurance company can register in the LinkedIn group and receive invitations there. Attention: Consultants and salespeople are explicitly not included in the group!

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Daniel Dubbel documented the “minimum standards for corporate agility” of 30 large listed companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as three German consulting firms in an article.

These previous episodes of the Produktwerker podcast fit well with the current episode:

If you have further questions for Daniel Dubbel or would like to get in touch with him, the best way to reach him is via his LinkedIn profile or his website Inspect&Adapt.

The current edition of the podcast is also available on the Produktwerker blog: “Product Owner in the Group – a contradiction?”


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