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WhatsApp update: stickers, favorite contacts and more

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WhatsApp update: stickers, favorite contacts and more

WhatsApp Introduces New Features to Improve User Experience

WhatsApp, the popular messaging platform, has rolled out a series of exciting new features this February. The update, which has been primarily aimed at the Android and iOS Beta apps, includes six standout improvements designed to enhance the overall user experience.

One of the most notable additions is the new sticker creation and editing tool, allowing users to personalize and create their own unique stickers within the app. Additionally, a new option has been introduced to enable users to select their favorite contacts, making it easier to call them directly from the messaging app.

The updates have been released incrementally over the past week and are still in development, meaning users will need to sign up for the WhatsApp Beta program in order to access these new functions on their smartphones.

Among the standout features are the ability to create and edit all types of stickers, new text formatting options, and the option to choose favorite contacts for faster and easier calling. Furthermore, WhatsApp is working on automatic account reports and channel reports, making it easier for users to manage their accounts and access important information directly from the app.

In addition, WhatsApp Web is set to receive a chat blocking function, ensuring the privacy and security of users’ conversations. The app for Windows is also getting an update with a new sticker creation tool, allowing users to convert any image into a sticker for sharing with their contacts.

With these new features, WhatsApp continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing a seamless and improved messaging experience for its global user base.

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