Home Ā» 180 seconds!Take you to relive the 25 years of Hong Kong’s return – Xinhua English.news.cn

180 seconds!Take you to relive the 25 years of Hong Kong’s return – Xinhua English.news.cn

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180 seconds!Take you to relive the 25 years of Hong Kong’s return – Xinhua English.news.cn

180 seconds!Take you to relive the 25 years of Hong Kong’s return – Xinhua English.news.cn

180 seconds!Take you to relive the 25 years since the return of Hong Kong

Bauhinia blossoms, leaves with deep roots, ink flow, smudges time. In the past 25 years, Hong Kong and the mainland have been deeply fraternal, watching and helping each other, breathing and sharing destiny with the motherland. Countless scenes are deeply engraved in our memory. I wish Hong Kong a better tomorrow! (Illustrator/Sun Disson, Zeng Yong)

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180 seconds!Take you to relive the 25 years since the return of Hong Kong


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Liu Yufei


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