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A driver killed a female doctor in Sarajevo | Info

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A driver killed a female doctor in Sarajevo |  Info

AB (1996) ran into girls in a pedestrian crossing with a “Mercedes”, killing one, while the other is fighting for her life.

Izvor: Facebook/Screenshot

The young doctor Azra Spahić (1998) died on Friday evening around 11:30 pm in Sarajevo after AB (1996) ran into her and two other girls with a “Mercedes”.. He was drunk, without a driver’s license and driving much faster than the legal limit. The police arrested him at 2:30 in the morningreports Klix.ba.

The girl SE (2002) was seriously injured, and SA (1997) is in critical condition. After running into the girls, he didn’t stop immediately, instead hitting a traffic sign and then a wall. After the arrest, the young man is under police surveillance and a criminal investigation is being conducted against him. He was handed over to the cantonal prosecutor’s office. As Klix.ba learns, in the past, AB was issued several misdemeanor warrants for driving without passing a driving test, and he is known to the Sarajevo police for such violations. On the occasion of the accident, an emergency meeting of the administration of the KS MUP will be organized tonight.

Source: Facebook/AB

Colleagues say goodbye to the deceased doctor

“Azra was one of the best students of the Faculty of Medicine, a wonderful, noble soul from Una, the pride of this country and the Faculty. We will forever keep Azra in our thoughts and hearts,” wrote the Faculty of Medicine.

An informal group of citizens called for a peaceful meeting on Sunday at 6 pm, in Maršala Tita Street in Sarajevo.

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“We invite you to a peaceful gathering to pay tribute to the young doctor Azra Spahić, who died in a traffic accident on Friday in Maršala Tita Street”, stated the invitation on the Facebook group “You allow it – For Edita and Selma”, whose members advocated for the just punishment of AB


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