Home » A fulfilled motherhood: SHINE, a life mission with Edwige MENSAH ~ The chronicles of a young mother

A fulfilled motherhood: SHINE, a life mission with Edwige MENSAH ~ The chronicles of a young mother

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A fulfilled motherhood: SHINE, a life mission with Edwige MENSAH ~ The chronicles of a young mother

Two years ago, looking for content on sharing the experiences of other young mothers, I discovered Edwige MENSAH. She has an inspiring journey and approaches with great interest the parenthood experienced under our skies. With her entire team, she does a fantastic job supporting young mothers to face the challenges of motherhood. Today, she shares her story with us GLASSES by focusing on her vision of a fulfilled motherhood.

Good reading my mondolectors ! Don’t hesitate to ask questions after sharing it.

(These questions will be forwarded to him for answers).

Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Edwige Adjo MENSAH. Of Togolese nationality, I currently live in Lomé and I have a seven-year-old daughter. I am responsible for digital communications. Passionate about themes linked to motherhood, parenthood, human rights, everything relating to subjects linked to faith and God, I am the founder of GLASSES.

Candidate in the category falling for something
Togo Digital Awards 3

With permission for publication, Glasses By Wige

Can you tell us about your BRILLE brand?

BRILLE represents the realization of a life story, of a life mission assigned by God. BRILLE is aimed at all mothers, especially those who manage their children alone and who have difficulty finding the keys to their development.

My beginnings

I started as a blogger in 2017. Through my articles, I shared a lot of my experience of motherhood. Subsequently, I launched the Mompreneurs Forum. Thanks to this forum, I understood that mothers needed support to better experience parenthood and to be fulfilled. However, this support project required funding.

The BRILLE brand

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BRILLE is a modern brand of berets, t-shirts and sweaters. I sell them to finance the project SHINE DEAR. By purchasing one of our products, you contribute to mothers having the right to therapy with health professionals or even, depending on the case, to having funding for their project.

BRILLE’s vision

BRILLE aspires to build a community of fulfilled women so that they can build themselves and be able to educate their children well.

Balanced and happy parents make happy and balanced children.

Edwige Adjo MENSAH

Does this project contribute to your personal development?

I continue to grow with the BRILLE project. On a personal level, I build myself by continually identifying my strengths and weaknesses. I evaluate my limits and work to overcome them. I appreciate all the ideas I get to develop and implement thanks to BRILLE. In addition, I contribute to the creation of a community of strong women through my articles, my sharing of experiences or even through the BRILLE CARE program.

BRILLE allows me to improve my relationship with my daughter. By assisting other mothers, I learn from their experiences, which allows me to question myself when necessary and to develop our relationship. On a professional level, this project helped me improve my vision and really define a career plan over time.

From youth to motherhood: family life. What helped you keep going?

I held on because I wanted to be a role model for my daughter. I wanted to be that rock on which she could lean to shape her personality. I wanted to be a source of inspiration for her and that my experience recounted in this article, from youth to motherhood: family experience, can be a source of motivation. Thanks to my story, she must tell herself that she can achieve anything as long as she believes in it.

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What can we learn from your article “Let’s demystify certain things”?

L’article let’s demystify some things is a reflection on parenthood and fulfilled motherhood. Beyond our sociocultural values, personal experiences impact our vision of parenthood. So, should we deny our own reflections or seek, through them, the means of enriching or correcting what we have already learned?

Talking about it is liberating because you have to know that there is no such thing as perfect parenting. No one is born with the soft skills of a good parent. We learn to be and we improve day after day.

What is your vision of a fulfilled motherhood?

Fulfilled motherhood, for me, considers the healthy relationship I have with my child so that I do not feel limited by my status as a mother. I am certainly a mother but I have aspirations and I am working to achieve them.

How do you manage to be present for your daughter despite your activities?

I think it’s about organization and above all making it a priority. Any opportunity is good to have a good time with my daughter. I take advantage of every moment to show him my love and attention without being the center of his universe. She spends time with me and with her loved ones.

What advice to shine as a woman and mother?

Love yourself so that you can be in harmony with yourself and be able to love others. Have faith in God, because there is a Being who strengthens us when we are in difficulty. Focus on your fulfillment, because you have every right to be fulfilled. Pursue your dreams and your personal development, since motherhood is not an end, but an opportunity to push your limits.

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