Home » A physiotherapist is selling his business in the Gornja Trepča spa Info

A physiotherapist is selling his business in the Gornja Trepča spa Info

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A physiotherapist is selling his business in the Gornja Trepča spa  Info

Physiotherapist sells his elaborate work in Gornja Trepča spa.

Source: RINA.RS

Physiotherapist Miloš Čakarević decided to sell his elaborate business in the Gornja Trepča spa. By the way, spa tourism in this village, located between Kraljevo and Čačak, is on the rise.

“I have been doing this job for 15 years, and ten years ago I started working independently. However, due to my other primary job, I cannot make it in the season to be in Gornja Trepča, and I would not like all my effort that I invested for the business to flourish, now it fails. Therefore, I just decided to “sell” it, to someone who wants to work and earn. The season in Trepča starts in the second half of May and there is really a lot to do“, says Miloš.

In addition to the job, the interlocutor also sells used inventory, massage tables and furniture. As he says, he doesn’t have any special conditions, he would just like the person who decides to “buy” the job to continue doing it with dedication and honesty, as he has been doing for years.

“Kinesi therapy, massages are performed. People come here for recovery, not only from Serbia, but from the countries of the region and the world. Banja Gornja Trepča is widely known for its benefits for human health. Our therapies last from 15 minutes to half an hour, so I tried to work out the work so that I have at least 30 clients a day. A lot has been invested in it and I wouldn’t want it to fail just like that, because I can’t dedicate myself to this seasonal job due to huge other business and private obligations,” adds Miloš.

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Perhaps this is an ideal opportunity for young people to have their own business, but in this case they would not start it from scratch, but enter an already developed business, which is not easy to achieve nowadays.


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