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A twinkle in the eye | Magazine

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A twinkle in the eye |  Magazine

Dr. Nenda Petrović advises what to do if you have a pimple!

Source: TV Prva/screenshot

Inflammation of the eyelid, better known as squint, can be quite irritating to the eye and disrupts daily functioning. Dr. Nenad Petrović, an ophthalmologist at the Academy of Medical Sciences, explained how it occurs, but also how it is treated, during a guest appearance at Prva.

As the doctor explained at the very beginning, ringworm is an acute inflammatory condition caused by a bacterial infection, most often staphylococcal, which is found all over our body – on the skin, hands…

“In certain situations, staphylococcus can lead to inflammation of the glands located in the eyelid. At first, it manifests itself as a slight swelling, then redness appears, then pain begins and a characteristic ball is formed, which after two to three days has a purulent plug in the middle.” , Dr. Petrović explains, and they advise that we should first repair the chmicak, and not let it pass by itself.

We can usually speed up the treatment by applying warm compresses that must not be too hot, for up to ten minutes, two to three times a day. According to ophthalmologist Petrović, čmicak is harmless, but there is also a situation when it is not. So pay attention to how often it appears in your eye!

“When it occurs several times during the month or during consecutive months, then it can indicate an elevated blood sugar level. Those people should check their blood glucose level,” the doctor advised, adding that it usually occurs in women as well. who remove their make-up irregularly or use low-quality products.

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Also, in the end, the doctor advises that you never touch and squeeze the nipple on your own, because that way you can create an additional infection and create a problem for yourself.


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