Home » A woman caused death in an accident and pretended to be a passer-by to call the police, and the criminal car did not have any traces of collision: she escaped responsibility by chance.

A woman caused death in an accident and pretended to be a passer-by to call the police, and the criminal car did not have any traces of collision: she escaped responsibility by chance.

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A woman caused death in an accident and pretended to be a passer-by to call the police, and the criminal car did not have any traces of collision: she escaped responsibility by chance.

A woman caused death in an accident and pretended to be a passer-by to call the police and was sentenced. The car did not have any traces of collision: she escaped responsibility

2022-12-20 09:05:02 Source: KuaiTech Author: Xuehua Editor: Xuehua Comment()Click to copy the title and link of this article

This female driver still really “knows how to play”, she pretended to be a passerby after driving and causing an accident…

According to a report from Chinanews.com, after a woman in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia caused a car accident and killed someone, she pretended to be a caring person and called the police. Later, she also cooperated with the police to investigate and collect evidence, but the deception was finally discovered. The woman who caused the accident was sentenced to 3 years in prison, suspended for 4 years.

The task force immediately visited with the small fragments left at the scene. The hard work paid off, and after comparing with many 4S stores, it was finally confirmed that the fragments were parts of the Chevrolet Cruze.

After comparison, the task force quickly found the vehicle that caused the accident, but the police found that the driver of this vehicle was the second caller in the case, a female driver surnamed Zu. Soon, the police arrested him.

According to Zu Moumou’s confession, when she drove to the road where the incident happened that day, she felt that the car was crushed by something, and when she got out of the car, she found that it was a man. After inspecting the whole vehicle, Zu Moumou found that there was no trace of collision on the outside of the vehicle, so he pretended to be enthusiastic people on the side of the road and called the police, using the luck that the police generally would not suspect the caller, in an attempt to evade responsibility.

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A woman caused death in an accident and pretended to be a passer-by to call the police and was sentenced. The car did not have any traces of collision: she escaped responsibility

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Responsible Editor: Xuehua

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