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About the loneliness: – I feel it almost all the time

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About the loneliness: – I feel it almost all the time

In the video at the top of the case, Ingrosso is asked the question Norwegians have been asking repeatedly recently.

Benjamin Ingrosso (26) has become one of the hottest pop names in the Nordics.

He got a full seven minutes of half-time show during the first semi-final of the “Eurovision Song Contest” (ESC).

– It feels a bit unreal, says Ingrosso to TV 2 about the performance, which is broadcast throughout Europe.

As if that wasn’t enough, this summer he will perform at several Norwegian festivals. In fact, he is one of the main attractions of one of the biggest, namely Palmesus.

Despite a success that is hard to take in, it’s not always all sunshine for the young singing star.

ON STAGE: Benjamin ingrosso performed on the Eurovison stage in connection with the first semi-final. He has participated himself in the past, but this time he was an intermission number. Photo: EBU

Very lonely

Many Scandinavians first got to know Benjamin Ingrosso in the TV documentary “Wahlgren’s world“, which followed the celebrity family of which he is a part.

As the name of the series suggests, he is the son of the singer Pernilla Wahlgren (56). Her sister Bianca Ingrosso (29) is also one of the Nordic countries’ best-known influencers.

Now he is releasing a documentary with him in the center, and not the whole family. It will soon be available to stream on MAX.

– It is more of a documentary portrait. It’s not about humor and reality, it shows a more raw and naked side of me.

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The series is about his inner thoughts, and his life. The camera crew has been following him for almost two years – every day.

– I think that the series can make people not feel lonely, but also make them dare to dream big and be hopeful.

– You mention loneliness. Is it something you have felt a lot about?

– Yes, I feel that almost all the time. I think that is something that many people know, but which one does not dare to express.

LOVED BY THE FANS: The fans in Malmö Arena seemed to love the show of ingrosso in ESC. Photo: EBU

Want to be a role model

He hopes that he will show who Benjamin Ingrosso really is with this documentary. He is not afraid to be vulnerable on TV.

Men and feelings have long been a taboo subject. Ingrosso wants to show that it is perfectly fine to talk about feelings.

– If I have a tiny chance of being a role model for someone, then I would gladly take that position and place. Absolutely.

How he himself has become so open about his feelings, he believes is about growing up.

– I grew up with women, so for me it has never been a strange thing to talk about feelings. But I have seen that many of my friends have great problems talking about feelings, and have a kind of block for it.

Great strength

He also sees the fact that he is intact with his feelings as a strength in his work as a musician.

– I absolutely believe that it is connected. It helps me express myself.

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Precisely because Ingrosso shares a lot of his emotional life in the songs, he likes to wait up to a year from when he has written the song, until it is out.

– Then you can have a distance to the song. If a song is very new and “fresh”, then you still have that feeling when the music is released. Then I think: “Will everyone else hear my thoughts?”

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