Home » Accident Casal Palocco, the funeral of little Manuel was held in confidence

Accident Casal Palocco, the funeral of little Manuel was held in confidence

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Accident Casal Palocco, the funeral of little Manuel was held in confidence

The funeral of little Manuel, the 5-year-old boy killed by Lamborghini with five youtubers on board on the afternoon of 14 June in Casal Palocco, was celebrated in strictly private form. The funeral, kept confidential until the last moment, and still now, was held in a parish in southern Rome, between Spinaceto and the Montagnola district, near the Eur. Present only parents and closest relatives.

The appointment for the torchlight procession

In a few lines through her lawyers, «Mrs Elena Uccello, thanking her for the innumerable expressions of solidarity received and for the respect for her privacy which has guaranteed her, in recent days, to live her pain in total confidentiality, communicates that today, in strictly private form, the funeral of little Manuel took place and, for those interested, that on Sunday 25 June at 7 pm, in Casal Palocco, a torchlight vigil will be held, starting from Via Macchia Saponara, in memory of the little ».

Will of the mother and father

The funeral in private form has been the will of Manuel’s mother and father since the beginning, who continue to keep total silence on the matter. Her 29-year-old mother was questioned on Tuesday morning by the carabinieri allegedly at her sister’s house in her EUR where she moved in with her when she was discharged from hospital after the accident.

Investigation of the dynamics of the accident

She repeated to the investigators that she did not remember anything about that afternoon and for this reason it is not excluded that, by order of the prosecutor, she could be heard again in the next few days to clarify some aspects of the dynamics of the facts and the phases immediately preceding and following the crash cost his son his life.

Doubt about precedence

In fact, the point of precedence that the young woman would not have given to the SUV also needs to be clarified – according to the defense of the driver of the latter vehicle, Matteo di Pietro – when turning left from via di Macchia Saponara. After the funeral, the little one was transferred to a Roman cemetery, but even on this point there is the utmost secrecy.

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Manuel’s uncle: “Now you can’t lose but you can’t generate hatred”

“My message is not to generate hate in hate, I can’t talk about forgiveness because it’s difficult right now”. These are the words of Manuel’s uncle, who spoke on La Vita in Diretta, the program
of Rai1 conducted by Alberto Matano, the man told the
tragic moment that his family is experiencing. «Since that accursed June 14, every day has become an ordeal. Every day I come to take all the souvenirs and tickets that will remain with the family, lots of dedications and lots of children who come with their parents and leave a souvenir, a flower and a message. It is continuous – it is said in a note -, every day and every hour, for us this will remain a point
important to remember the little one. The boys were at the mercy of themselves and therefore tend to minimize things, I was there after the accident, they were 4 disbanded kids and they had not yet understood the extent of the situation, nor could they have understood that they had killed a person . The enormous contrast between twentysomethings who go around with very expensive cars, what they do
youtubers and that a five-year-old boy dies, created and
generated an explosive mixture “, concludes the note.

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