Home » After Becoming Man United’s Nightmare, Phil Foden is Named the Best Player in the Premier League Currently

After Becoming Man United’s Nightmare, Phil Foden is Named the Best Player in the Premier League Currently

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After Becoming Man United’s Nightmare, Phil Foden is Named the Best Player in the Premier League Currently


Man City winger, Phil Foden, celebrated like a sniper after breaking through Man United’s goal, Sunday (3/3/2024) evening WIB.

BOLASPORT.COM – Manchester City coach, Pep Guardiola, called Phil Foden the best player in the Premier League at the moment after his extraordinary performance against Manchester United.

Phil Foden was introduced by Pep Guardiola as a starter when Manchester City hosted Manchester United on match week 27th Premier League 2023-2024, Sunday (3/3/2024).

Guardiola’s trust was answered winger the England national team did well.

Foden scored two goals in Man City’s 3-1 win over Man United at the Etihad Stadium.

These two strikes also became the initiator of the revival of his team which was trailing 0-1 by Marcus Rashford’s goal in the 8th minute.

His first goal came in the 56th minute using a pass from Rodri.

Foden then scored his second goal in the 80th minute after finishing assist Julian Alvarez.

This goal gave Man City a 2-1 lead.

Erling Haaland scored another goal for The Citizens at the end of the match.

Also read: The moment Haaland cosplays as Darwin Nunez, fails to score an easy goal against Man United




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