Home » Alan García was sucked months before his death

Alan García was sucked months before his death

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Alan García was sucked months before his death

Prosecutor José Domingo Pérez admits that he had information that an APRA leader could make an attempt on his life

Two months before his death (February 2019), former president Alan García reported that he had been sucked by the Police days after the Uruguayan government refused to asylum him in its embassy in Lima.

The spotlight illuminated the angry complaints that the former president made from his home in Miraflores. And García, that time on Manuel de Freyre Santander Street, claimed that a National Police van was located in the vicinity of his home to intercept his telephone communications.

His complaint prompted prosecutor Janet Bernal to open a preliminary investigation to establish whether there was any irregularity. It even caused the Minister of the Interior, Carlos Morán, to be summoned the next day to the Congressional Defense Commission – chaired by the APRA Jorge del Castillo – to answer for the presence of law enforcement officers in the place.

Morán clarified that the vehicle was not used to suck, but to monitor a possible citizen demonstration, such as those that had already been registered after García’s asylum attempt.

Prosecutor Bernal ordered that an expert report be carried out on the police van to clarify if there was any cheating. And in just a month and a half they issued a report indicating that the 15 teams analyzed “They correspond to a monitoring system that allows the transmission of high-quality audiovisual signals.” The report adds that “there is no evidence of its functioning to carry out telephone interception and/or recording of recorded wiretaps.”

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The report also specifies that the hard drive that was removed from the TVU MLINK video transmitter is still being analyzed. This hard drive is the one that – according to the former head of state – kept “12 hours of recording” of the alleged sucking.

In the same situation there are two laptops (one HP brand and the other Toshiba), a drone and its respective control unit, and an external micro SD memory. This issue was not closed, however, it was paralyzed after the death of the former president.

confession of part

The prosecutor and member of the Lava Jato Special Team, José Domingo Pérez, spoke about the tragic death of the former president of Peru, Alan García, which took place in 2019, in the midst of a questioned operation that sought to preliminarily arrest him.

In an interview for the portal LP – Pasión por el Derecho, Domingo Pérez said that the Public Ministry and the National Police (PNP) were not responsible for the unfortunate event. Furthermore, he pointed out that within the former president’s environment it was known that he could attack himself. How did he have access to that information about the relatives?

“It was a situation in which neither the Police nor the Prosecutor’s Office can be held responsible for the decision made by the former president (…)”said Domingo Pérez.

«We can confirm that not only Mr. García in his book ‘Metamemorias’, but also in his family circle, had already announced that he would take serious action and that, after that fateful event, they confirmed that he had planned his suicide in case justice will come to him”, he remarked. How did you have access to information provided by García to his closest circle?

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Last April 17 marked 5 years since the death of Alan García, who governed Peru in two periods (1985-1990 and 2006-2011). To date, a motion has been presented in Congress to investigate the death of the former president and the judicial siege revealed by the effective collaborator Jaime Villanueva, in which José Domingo Pérez, Rafael Vela and Gustavo Gorriti of the NGO IDL are involved.

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