Home » Alexander Zverev reaches Australian Open semi-finals by beating Alcaraz

Alexander Zverev reaches Australian Open semi-finals by beating Alcaraz

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Alexander Zverev reaches Australian Open semi-finals by beating Alcaraz

Zverev started the game well, Alcaraz seemed nervous and made an unusual number of mistakes. The Hamburger was dominant as usual in the service game, taking the first set with an ace after just 29 minutes. As a result, Zverev remained the better player; Boris Becker, as a TV expert on Eurosport, saw a “world-class performance” and “the best Zverev” he had ever seen.

At 5:3 in the third set, Zverev served to win – Alcaraz woke up again, but Zverev stayed strong and used his first match point to win at 1:19 a.m. local time.

The Hamburger had only rarely shown his top class in Melbourne before, in two five-set thrillers in the round of 16 and the second round he was already close to being eliminated. As sixth in the world rankings, the Hamburger Down Under was one of the extended favorites, especially since he had started the year strongly with the United Cup title with the German team – against Alcaraz he underlined this for the first time.

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