Home » An unusual northern lights may be repeated this weekend in areas of America and Europe

An unusual northern lights may be repeated this weekend in areas of America and Europe

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An unusual northern lights may be repeated this weekend in areas of America and Europe

The northern lights may be visible again this weekend in unusual places in America and Europe where it is not common for this phenomenon to occur so far south, after last night it surprised those who observed it in countries like Mexico and Spain, where it does not usually appear.

The United States Space Weather Prediction Center predicts that it can be seen intensely on Saturday nights, especially, and on Sunday in areas of countries such as Canada, the United States and Russia.

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The prediction of this center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States is that the phenomenon will reach its maximum intensity, nine out of nine, in some hours of Saturday night in those areas.

The geomagnetic conditions in the atmosphere of the northern hemisphere are the most extreme recorded since October 2003, resulting in the aurora being seen in places where it is very rare.

This scientific agency issued an alert on the G5 scale, the maximum on its scale, after several days of intense solar activity that increased on Friday, since a geomagnetic storm of that level can cause problems in the electrical network, including blackouts, navigation , radio and satellite operations.

From the Canary Islands in Spain, off the African coast, and the megalithic monument of Stonehenge in the United Kingdom to Sonora in Mexico and Los Angeles and Chicago in the United States, numerous social media users shared images last night of skies illuminated with pinkish tones and greenish.

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The State Meteorological Agency in Spain confirmed that “polar auroras are being observed at very low latitudes in the northern hemisphere”, which may be repeated in the country’s skies this weekend due to this strong geomagnetic storm on Earth.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, it consists of a luminous phenomenon in the upper layers of the atmosphere with shapes such as arcs, bands or curtains, at an altitude of between 90 and 150 kilometers, due to the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth’s magnetic field. .

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