Home » Anti-Semitism report criticizes social media giants for leading to “racist safe space”-Social-SNS Social Network

Anti-Semitism report criticizes social media giants for leading to “racist safe space”-Social-SNS Social Network

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According to a new report, the five major social media platforms have made serious systemic errors in handling anti-Semitism, leading to the emergence of a “racist safe space.”The report stated that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok failed to take action on 84% of posts that spread anti-Semitic hatred and propaganda through the platform’s official complaint system.


Researchers from the UK/US non-profit organization Center for Combating Digital Hatred (CCDH) flagged hundreds of anti-Semitism posts in six weeks earlier this year. These posts include Nazi, neo-Nazi and white supremacist content. Although each of these 714 posts clearly violated the platform’s policies, less than one-sixth of the posts were removed or deleted after being pointed out by the moderator.

The report found that these platforms have particularly poor actions against anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including misinformation that links Jews to the pandemic. The denial of the Holocaust is also often out of control. 80% of the posts deny or downplay the fact that 6 million Jews were killed without any enforcement action.

The report pointed out that Facebook only took action on 10.9% of posts, even though it adopted tougher guidelines for anti-Semitism content last year. In November 2020, the company updated its hate speech policy to prohibit denying or distorting the content of the Holocaust.

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这份题为 “保护不力 “的报告发现,该平台在向犹太用户发送反犹太主义评论的四个案例中,有三个没有采取行动。当TikTok采取行动时,它更经常地删除个别评论,而不是禁止发送评论的用户,仅在5%的案件中禁止发送直接反犹太主义虐待的账户。



CCDH首席执行官Imran Ahmed表示,研究表明,在线虐待与算法或自动化无关,因为科技公司允许 “偏执者保持他们的账户开放,他们的仇恨留在网上”,即使在提醒人类版主之后。

他说,被他称为 “我们作为一个社会的连接方式 “的媒体已经成为 “种族主义者的安全空间”,使 “仇恨的言论正常化,而不必担心后果”。”这就是为什么社交媒体对犹太人越来越不安全的原因,就像它对女性、黑人、穆斯林、LGBT群体和许多其他群体一样,”他补充说。


“虽然我们在打击Facebook上的反犹太主义方面取得了进展,但我们的工作从未完成,”Facebook发言人Dani Lever说。Lever告诉《纽约时报》,该平台上的仇恨言论正在减少,她说,“鉴于世界各地反犹太主义的惊人增长,我们已经并将继续通过我们的政策采取重大行动”。



YouTube在一份声明中说,在过去几年里,该公司在删除仇恨言论方面 “取得了重大进展”。YouTube发言人说:“这项工作正在进行,我们感谢这种反馈。”



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