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Author Walter Kappacher has died

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Author Walter Kappacher has died

Austrian author Walter Kappacher died in Salzburg on the age of 85. Kappacher was born there in 1938 and first skilled as a motorbike mechanic. He took portray classes and devoted himself to performing earlier than taking on technical writing in 1964.

His first novel “The Morning” (1975) offers with the alienation and listlessness of a employee in a small city; In the novel “The Workshop” (additionally 1975), Kappacher explored his expertise as a pupil, curiously combining the mechanics and buildings of literary texts. It was not solely due to this novel that Kappacher was repeatedly praised for his accuracy.

From 1978 onwards, Kappacher was a contract author, supported and admired by celebrities like him. Martin Walser and Peter Handke, however remained with out nice reputation, which is why he was thought-about a typical instance of a “author’s author”. Later on the opinion of some admirers, he was awarded the Georg Büchner award in 2009. At that point, Kappacher had simply printed his artist novel “The Fly Palace” about Hugo von Hofmannsthal, following him by the issue of that means and writing in 1924. The novel was beforehand printed within the FAZ options part

In his eulogy on the time of the Büchner Prize for Kappacher, Paul Ingendaay, editor within the options part of FAZ, mentioned: “Walter Kappacher is an impartial, self-taught, quiet and lonely scholar within the Seventies who had been melancholic dissidents, later “they fled inside as a journey into an immeasurably giant world.

Although Kappacher remained a “cherished outsider” to some even after the Büchner Prize, he obtained nice acclaim from critics and literary students. Recently, in his guide “I keep in mind” (2018), he traced his life again with snapshots from his childhood and defined how he turned a storyteller.

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