Home » Berlusconi, moments of tension in Piazza Duomo: here’s the reason

Berlusconi, moments of tension in Piazza Duomo: here’s the reason

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Berlusconi, moments of tension in Piazza Duomo: here’s the reason

A protester also arrived in the square and presented herself with the inscription: “I am not in mourning”, unleashing the anger of those present

The state funeral was held today in the Milan Cathedral to pay homage to Silvio Berlusconi, President of Forza Italia and former Milan number one. The Knight died on Monday at the age of 86 and from that moment the usual trail of controversies started. Many have remembered him by praising his political and entrepreneurial merits. On the other hand, just as many wanted to remember all the judicial matters and not only that involved him.

The decision of the Meloni government to proclaim the city’s mourning, something reserved for very few people, further increased the controversy. For this reason today in Piazza Duomo a woman decided to show up with a shirt that read “I’m not in mourning”. The many people who flocked to the square to pay their last respects to Berlusconi did not hesitate for a second to rail against the lady.

After moments of tension, the woman accompanied by the police explained her gesture to the reporters present. “I’m not in mourning because I don’t share the national mourning that has not been recognized for some characters who gave their lives for legalitywhile instead it is recognized to a offended person”.

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