Home » Can cats eat peppers? – wmn

Can cats eat peppers? – wmn

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Can cats eat peppers?  – wmn

Peppers are full of vitamins that boost your immune system and also improve your skin health. They also contain antioxidants that fight against free radicals and can therefore protect against various diseases. But can cats also eat peppers?

Anna Chiara is a proud cat mom herself.
Photo: private

Our author Anna Chiara has lived with her cat Anouk for 14 years. She shares her experiences in numerous advice articles. They have tested all the tips and tricks you read here for you.

Can cats eat peppers?

Cats need animal proteins because they are obligate carnivores. They sometimes like other foods such as vegetables or fruit heavy in the stomach and cannot be digested properly.

But that doesn’t mean that vegetables don’t belong on your menu from time to time Barfer’s Wellfood. When fed in moderation, the vitamins contained in peppers support Vitamin A and Cthe health of the kitties.

Accordingly, cats are allowed to eat peppers – but only in addition to their meat-based diet. A little piece raw peppers once or twice a week is a crisp change for your darling.

Paprika is actually a type of fruit. Photo: showard/ istock

Red, yellow or green: This color is taboo

In the supermarket you can buy loose peppers or packs of three in which multi-colored peppers have been packed together. Since the pepper itself is not toxic to cats, there is a difference in terms of tolerance no differences – except for green peppers. This variety is not suitable for house cats.

Known? The different colors of the peppers arise from their different levels of ripeness. Green peppers are usually unripe and turn red, yellow or orange as they ripen for a longer period of time. Your taste is also individual.

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The vegetable is a member of the nightshade family, which means that certain parts of the plant are poisonous. Compared to the mature varieties The unripe green peppers contain the substance solanine – a poisonous alkaloid. It is better to only give your cat red, orange or yellow peppers.

Symptoms of solanine poisoning

When cats (and dogs) are poisoned by solanine, these symptoms occur the following signs:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Disorientation
  • Lightheadedness
  • Symptoms of paralysis

To play it safe, Cook the peppers well before eating. In this way you also support your velvet paw’s digestion. And very important: Spices such as salt and pepper or oils are absolutely taboo.

Conclusion: Can cats eat peppers?

Paprika is usually not a typical snack that four-legged friends really like. If your cat shows interest in the pod, you can use it Feel free to taste a piece as long as it’s not a green pepper.

Watch how your kitty reacts to the snack. If she tolerates it and likes it, there’s nothing wrong with it, occasionally Add a small portion of paprika to regular cat food to feed.

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