Home » China bans footballers from getting tattoos. And to “remove” the old ones

China bans footballers from getting tattoos. And to “remove” the old ones

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Footballers playing on the Chinese national team should remove all existing tattoos and it is “strictly forbidden” to make new ones. This was announced by the China Sports Administration (the country’s sports administration body). The communication stresses that the players of the national team “It is strictly forbidden to have new tattoos”. In addition, “those with tattoos are advised to have them removed.”

“In special circumstances, tattoos must be covered during training and competition, with the consent of the rest of the team,” the statement continues. It is added that it is “strictly forbidden” to recruit anyone with tattoos to the Under 20 national teams and to even younger ones. Tattoos are traditionally frowned upon in China, but are increasingly popular with young adults, even as the authorities express their opposition.

The Chinese Football Association, in addition to having ordered national team players to cover up tattoos in recent years, has sent young footballers to military camps for Marxist-style exercises and “thought education”.


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