Home » Clear victories for Germany and the Czech Republic

Clear victories for Germany and the Czech Republic

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Clear victories for Germany and the Czech Republic


Keystone SDA | Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Despite the trouble, an disagreeable process was mastered confidently in the long run: hosts the Czech Republic (Lukas Sedlak, left) beat Denmark (Joachim Blichfeld) 7:4

Germany celebrates its second victory on the World Cup within the Czech Republic and units an exclamation mark with an 8-1 win in opposition to Latvia. The host wins the Swiss group with some problem in opposition to Denmark.

The Czechs, who suffered their solely defeat of the house event to date in a penalty shootout in opposition to Switzerland, gained clearly 7:4. However, the sport was open till half of the final third – additionally as a result of the Eastern Europeans had given up a two-goal lead.

The Czech Republic is in second place in Group A behind Switzerland, the Danes stay on three factors after their opening win over Austria and their third defeat in a row. The Scandinavians are Switzerland’s third-to-last group opponents on Saturday lunchtime (from 12.20 p.m.).

After the clear defeats in opposition to group favorites Sweden and the USA, the Germans confirmed a powerful response. In the 8-1 victory over Latvia – Germany’s highest World Cup victory in 22 years – final yr’s World Cup finalists’ scoring machine was in full swing with 5 targets, particularly within the center third.

In the Group B desk, Germany continues to be one level behind Latvia in 4th place. Slovakia moved previous each nations into second place in Group B with a 4-0 win within the night in opposition to Poland.

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