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In conversation with my colleague Paolo Arigotti on weapons of mass destruction, prohibited by international conventions, but which only the USA and NATO continue to use against civilian populations.

Chemical weapons, weather weapons, napalm, Agent Orange, white phosphorus, cluster weapons, depleted uranium weapons, civilian weapons of mass destruction, designed, manufactured and used by us, but attributed to the victims: tools for the enhancement and diffusion of the values ​​of the Euro-Atlantic West. Here, since they are “our values”, we raise them with moral vigor and let them fall on whoever is below, here or there, where there are people. It serves for good to triumph.

It is clear that the horror puppet of Kiev stamped his feet because, despite having supported and practiced the best of these Western values ​​for four years, he has not yet been recognized as formally belonging to the “Giro Canaglia”, despite having demonstrated that he worthy and deserving, more and better than any Israeli kapo’.

But it’s all a charade. We know very well that Zelensky was born more than even the craziest of Italian marines could be, sent to wave the banner of the wind rose amidst bursts of machine guns on Indian fishermen, or our carabiniere rapist in Mogadishu, or the more expert of waterboarding practitioners in Guantanamo, or Abu Ghraib. Except that, to deny the horror puppet formal stamping, Putin is given the pretext of pulverizing the Nazism that still lingers around the Ukrainian Donbass and which is very dear to us as a future planetary Zeitgeist. The decay of this model which, in the democratic West, had been made to appear to the crowds like the Pilgrim Madonna – old men, let us remember – was unacceptable when it came to safeguarding certain electoral results on certain natural NATO aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean.

The horror puppet scuttled furiously and, with her, the army of horror communication adventitious committed to supplying Ukrainian meat to Russian missiles. It was a matter of appeasing the frustration of a failed genocide, formally branded NATO, satisfying in any case the horror necrophilia, as it was put in place at the time of the proclamation of the “War on terrorism” (11/9/2001). A nice package of weapons of mass destruction. The real ones.

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They would not solve anything, as on all previous occasions. From Churchill’s mustard gas on the patriots of Baghdad in 1922, from his white phosphorus on Dresden, Berlin, Frankfurt, Cologne and going, between 1944 and 1945, to punish those whom someone immortalises as the “bad Germans”, to Graziani on black faces to romanize, from the orgy of bombs on Laos from 1964 to 1973 and of Agent Orange and Napalm on Vietnam for twenty years, to the nerve gas attacks by NATO jihadists on Syrian civilians and soldiers in East Ghouta in 2013, false flag attributed to Assad. Up to the now rehabilitated cluster bombs, uranium bombs, and white phosphorus bombs already tested recently on passers-by, especially children, in Serbia, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine.

They solved nothing but, wow, if they gave an idea of ​​the size of our evil measure. And they left our mark, both in the flesh and in history, as is the case with the great protagonists of history.

I was there. I saw.

1965-1975, Napalm, an incendiary agent, and Agent Orange, dioxin, from the USA launched continuously throughout Vietnam, with genetic effects that continue to produce deformed deaths and births. March-May 1999, 78 days of bombing all over Serbia, partly of depleted uranium, with particular concentration on the petrochemical plants of Pancevo. Meteorological bombs to cause rains to overflow the Danube and thus spread chemical contamination on a large scale. May 1999, carpet bombing of NIS, Serbia, in the hour of maximum circulation of the inhabitants in the center of the city. March-April 2003, uranium bombs and missiles over all of Iraq (second series, after that of the first Gulf War 1991). November 2004, Fallujah, center of the resistance, white phosphorus bombs, already used by Churchill on German cities at the end of the war, although emptied of military presences. July 2006, Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Beirut disintegrated and use of tons of cluster bombs on the entire agricultural South. December 2008-November 2009, Israeli “Cast Lead” operations on Gaza, white phosphorus, cluster bombs, “suspect” males executed on the spot. Written on the walls: “We’ve been here. Death to the Arabs”

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Civilians burned alive and charred. European record of leukemia in Serbia. In Iraq the highest rate in the world of deformed babies, destined to die within months. Children with three arms or none, without sexual organs or blind, mothers in black who look after them for the remaining months; children in the cultivated fields of South Lebanon who, 16 years after the irruption of the monsters, step on a bowler hat of the grape and lose the limb for life; in Gaza, third millennium cavemen who emerge from the rubble that used to be a house and show me a black silhouette engraved in the asphalt, the footprint of a body that the phosphorus has charred. They do not decarbonize Israelis. In Hanoi, 4-year-old twin boys, by the hand of a mother without light, 40 years after the end of the war, whom I see, with the head bigger than the body, and they don’t see me.

To the news that after London with the uranium bombs, the madman Biden would send cluster bombs to Ukraine, the quartermasters of our media barracks gave less prominence than to Barbara D’Urso with hands joined in front of the scoundrel’s coffin. We are on the side of democracies, of good.

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