Home » Collapse at the Esselunga construction site in Florence: three workers dead, searches underway for two others. Cisl national mobilization

Collapse at the Esselunga construction site in Florence: three workers dead, searches underway for two others. Cisl national mobilization

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Collapse at the Esselunga construction site in Florence: three workers dead, searches underway for two others.  Cisl national mobilization

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The provisional toll of the serious workplace accident which occurred this morning around 9am in Florence, in via Mariti, on the construction site of the new Esselunga shopping centre, in the area of ​​the former bakery is three dead, three injured and two missing. military. In fact, one of the workers still missing under the rubble following the collapse of the construction site in via Mariti in Florence has been identified as lifeless. The search operations for the other two missing people and to recover the body of another of the already confirmed victims will continue throughout the night.

This was confirmed, after a morning of uncertainty about the number of victims, by the regional councilor for Civil Protection, Monia Monni, who met the journalists leaving the site of the tragedy, giving the official data from the Civil Protection. In addition to the deceased workers, there were also three injured people who were pulled alive from the rubble in serious condition and were taken to Careggi hospital, two with code red and one with yellow. Of the three, one presents stable clinical conditions, the other two are hospitalized in intensive and semi-intensive care with a reserved prognosis even though they are not in imminent danger of life. Psychological support has also been activated for them. Searches are underway for two other workers who are still missing.

Councilor Monni: three attics collapsed, difficult searches

“The three people hospitalized fortunately are not in danger of life, although two of them are in critical condition, and there are still two missing. It is very difficult to locate them, the Usar dogs, which are dogs specially trained for searching under the rubble, were unable to do so. The drone with a thermal camera did not succeed. These people are probably very deep down, three attics collapsed, the quantity of material is huge”, explained councilor Monni, in front of the entrance to the construction site which was the scene of this morning’s collapse. “The firefighters – added Monni – are trying to understand how to intervene to avoid creating further collapses. The situation is still very difficult.” The councilor explained that the collapse involved a team of eight workers and that among the victims “there is certainly an Italian, his wife was here, she is Tuscan”. For Monni, what happened this morning is “a huge tragedy, never known by this city”. It is “early,” he later said, “to comment on the dynamics which seem very complex. It’s a tragedy that doesn’t concern the absence of individual safety requirements, it seems like something much more serious.”

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The Florence prosecutor’s office opens a case for negligent collapse and manslaughter

Teams of firefighters are working to remove the heavy reinforced concrete beams that collapsed, also using machinery, so as to be able to continue the search for the missing. Also present were the prosecutor on duty of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Florence, the Governor Eugenio Giani, the deputy mayor Alessia Bettini. The Florence prosecutor’s office has opened a case, currently without suspects, for negligent collapse and manslaughter. The construction site ended up under seizure. The ASL technicians are listening to construction site staff.

According to an initial reconstruction, a “major collapse of one of the main pylons” present on the construction site occurred; the failure would also have affected a prefabricated floor. This was reported by the firefighters who intervened with teams made up of ordinary personnel and Usar light. Four ambulances and police forces were also on site, Benedetta Albanese, and the police commissioner Maurizio Auriemma. In a note, the president of Esselunga, Marina Caprotti, specified that “the site under construction was contracted out to a third-party company”, and made herself “available to the authorities to help clarify the dynamics of what happened and to any need”.

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