Home » Colorful Women Raised for Love – A Proposal to Families in the District_Children_Family Tradition_Zhou Wei

Colorful Women Raised for Love – A Proposal to Families in the District_Children_Family Tradition_Zhou Wei

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Colorful Women Raised for Love – A Proposal to Families in the District_Children_Family Tradition_Zhou Wei

Original title: Colorful Women Raised for Love – A Proposal to Families in the District

Families across the region:

The “Family Education Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China” has been officially implemented on January 1, 2022, and “bringing children” has risen from a traditional “family affair” to an important “state affair”. Article 13 of the “Family Education Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China” stipulates: “The week of International Family Day on May 15 every year is the National Family Education Publicity Week”. Here, Lixia District Women’s Federation issues an initiative to the vast number of families in the district:

Educating people for the party, cultivating talents for the country, and strengthening the light of faith

Children are the hope of the family and the future of the motherland. The family is the first school in life, and the parents are the children’s first teachers. Parents are requested to earnestly study the “Family Education Promotion Law”, master scientific parenting methods, participate together, teach their children the first lesson in life, help them buckle the first button of life, and strive to achieve the “seven self-consciousness”: Consciously undertake the main responsibility of implementing family education; consciously implement the fundamental task of family education to cultivate morality; consciously attach importance to family construction and create a good family environment for children to grow up; consciously master and practice the correct method of family education; consciously improve family education consciously cooperate with the school and society to jointly promote the growth of children; consciously respect and protect the rights of children. We must cultivate and practice socialist core values ​​in the family, and guide family members, especially the next generation, to love the Party, the motherland, the people, and the Chinese nation.

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Take morality first, demonstrate by yourself, and pursue a brilliant life

Parents are the best role models for children, and every move affects the growth of children. Parents should take the responsibility of educating their offspring, grasp the critical period of their children’s education, set an example for their children at all times and place their responsibilities in place, always pay attention to “teaching by words and deeds” and “mutual promotion”, lead by example, be cautious in words and deeds, and more. Communicate, praise more, scold less, and put less pressure on, be a moral role model and a role model for children, learn and grow together with children, and make home the warmest harbor for children to feel safe. Use correct actions, correct thoughts, and correct methods to educate and guide children, cultivate children into people with great love, great virtue, and great feelings, and cultivate them into newcomers of the era who can take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation.

Inherit the continuity, spread the family tradition, and write the glory of struggle

The family style is normal and the folk style is pure, and the folk style is pure and the society is clean. Family style is the blood of the family, a good family style makes a good family, a good family educates good children, and good children build a good society. A good family style contains the positive energy of the times. Let us start from ourselves and vigorously promote the family virtues of “harmony between husband and wife, respect for the old and love for the young, scientific teaching of children, diligent and thrifty housekeeping, and mutual assistance between neighbors”, and use actions to drive the family and let the family promote society. Let us use practical actions to build a great era, create a better life, and contribute to creating a new situation in the construction of an international first-class central city.

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