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Couple comes away empty-handed because of a mistake

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Couple comes away empty-handed because of a mistake
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    A couple from Great Britain guessed the correct lottery numbers by chance. A huge win is in prospect. But a mishap prevents great happiness.

    Munich – Many dream of it, but only a few are granted it Lotto-Jackpot to hit too. The story of a British couple is therefore all the more tragic. Despite their six correct numbers, they didn’t win the National Lottery draw. The reason for this was apparently her own inattention.

    You guessed correctly – and still didn’t win the lottery

    When Edwina and David Nylan played the lottery, the jackpot was 35.4 million pounds (the equivalent of around 40 million euros). They had six numbers randomly generated using an app. The couple explained this to the British daily newspaper The Sun. They were the correct six numbers. The money would have changed her life forever. A bitter dispute over a million-dollar win showed that a lottery jackpot doesn’t always make couples happy.

    Six numbers but no winnings: every lottery player’s nightmare has come true for a British couple. © Thomas Frey/dpa

    Lotto app prevents great luck – “we tried it”

    However, Edwina and David Nylan were never to receive the prize. The two told the newspaper that they wanted to send their numbers to the National Lottery via an app shortly before the end of the game round. But that apparently didn’t work. The system did not send confirmation of booking the lottery ticket.

    In a show the BBC from Victory Derbyshire, the couple spoke about their misery. Edwina Nylan explained what happened: “The app then said: Insufficient credit, please top up.” When asked what they had done, the couple replied almost simultaneously: “We tried.”

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    “I’m disappointed”: Couple doesn’t win lottery jackpot – despite getting the right numbers

    According to Derbyshire, the operating company Camelot didn’t want to know anything about it. When asked, she explained that there had never been an attempt to top up the money in her account. “It definitely just didn’t get through,” said Edwina Nylan in a BBC interview. Even a call to the operating company’s customer service couldn’t change anything, the lottery players told us The Sun.

    “I’m disappointed, but what can we do?” she told the newspaper. They have been playing the lottery for several years and have had their online account for some time. “So it wasn’t that we didn’t know what we were doing,” she added. Nevertheless, the couple wanted to continue playing the lottery. But then maybe you’d rather go with a classic lottery ticket. But even that is no guarantee that nothing will go wrong. A deadline thwarted a lottery winner’s plans. (pkb/mbr)

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