Home » Cuiabá City Hall publishes in the Municipal Gazette this Tuesday (6) approval of the Simplified Education Selection Process | News

Cuiabá City Hall publishes in the Municipal Gazette this Tuesday (6) approval of the Simplified Education Selection Process | News

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Cuiabá City Hall publishes in the Municipal Gazette this Tuesday (6) approval of the Simplified Education Selection Process |  News

The City of Cuiabá published in Municipal Gazette nº 859, which was circulated on Tuesday (6), from pages 8 to 29, the notices approving the result of the Simplified Selection Process for Temporary Contracts for the Provision of Services for a Determined Time and Registration Formation Reserve (Notice No. 006/2024/GS/SME), from the Municipal Department of Education (SME). The act was carried out upon completion of all stages of the contest and after certification that there were no pending issues regarding the appeals presented within the legal deadlines.

The Simplified Selection Process was carried out in March this year, through analysis of titles and due to the call of all candidates classified in the last competition, Notice 004/2023/GS/SME, in some stands. “This Simplified Selection Process will replace the emergency contracts made at the beginning of the year, when some panels were exhausted with the call for all classified candidates. The calls will respect the panels that we still have available from the first selection process”, highlighted the Municipal Secretary of Education, Edilene de Souza Machado.

In total, 700 vacancies plus Reserve Registration were offered in the Simplified Selection Process in mid-level, mid-vocational and higher level roles.

The contracts are temporary to provide service for a determined period of time at the Municipal Department of Education and educational units of the municipal public network, Academic Year 2024. Those approved will act in replacement of permanent employees, in order to meet the temporary need of exceptional public interest.

The vacancies offered in the Simplified Selection Process for the secondary level were School Nutrition Technician (TNE) and Maintenance and Infrastructure Technician, in the role of General Services Assistant (TMIE – ASG).

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For roles requiring a secondary professional level, Child Development Technician (TDI) vacancies were offered, the prerequisite for holding the position being a secondary professional level in Teaching and/or a degree in Pedagogy.

And, for higher-level positions, vacancies were offered for Elementary School Teacher and Pedagogue for the Multifunctional Resource Room.

The call schedule for approved candidates to present documents and award will be published this Thursday (9). Qualified candidates must pay attention.

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