Home » Danby Choi as May 17 speaker

Danby Choi as May 17 speaker

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Danby Choi as May 17 speaker

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To make a long story short

  • The choice of Danby Choi to speak on 17 May in Oslo has caused controversy.
  • More than 15,000 people have signed a petition against Choi, who has distinguished himself as an opponent of cancellation culture and has previously appeared in a video with a man convicted of assault, a stunt he later regretted.
  • The May 17 committee in Oslo will discuss the matter at a meeting on Thursday.
  • Choi insists that he will give the speech at Henrik Ibsen’s grave at Vår Frelser’s graveyard.

Sea view

– We have never had a situation like this before, says Bjørn Revil, head of the 17 May committee in Oslo, to Dagbladet.

On Thursday, the committee will meet for an ordinary meeting to plan details of the national day celebration. By all accounts, the choice of Subjekt editor and social debater Danby Choi who will speak will be a central topic:

On Tuesday, several committee members spoke to NRK that they are either critical of Choi speaking, or of the process surrounding the announcement of the editor – who has distinguished himself as an opponent of the so-called cancellation culture.

– He would not have been our candidate, says Geir Lippestad from the Sentrum Party.

– I can come across as emotionless

The committee consists of nine politicians from the same number of parties, as well as two representatives from the Swedish Education Association and the Swedish Education Agency. Leader Revil insists that it will be “a completely normal meeting”.

– It has been a good tone until now. This is a case I will do what I can to get resolved in a dignified and proper way, he says.

15,000 signatures

The controversy has gained momentum after more than 15,000 people have signed a petition on Underskrift.no. The campaign has been initiated by TikTok profile Anine Olsen, who has fresh memories that last year Choi appeared in a video with a man convicted of assault on the same platform (a stunt he later regretted), and that in 2020/21 he stood as a witness for the defense in a trial against a man who ended up being convicted of parts of an extensive rape charge.

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Dagbladet has been in contact with Choi on Wednesday, who does not want to comment on Thursday’s committee meeting. However, he is crystal clear that he intends to give his speech on 17 May at Henrik Ibsen’s grave at Vår Frelser’s cemetery.

LEADER: Bjørn Revil (Frp) is doing his bit to keep peace and tolerance in the 17 May committee. Photo: Frank Karlsen / Dagbladet Show more

– I can assure them that I will carry out the May 17 speech, the 30-year-old signs Facebook – and refers, among other things, to what the Constitution says about freedom of expression.

Long tradition

During the May 17 celebrations in the capital, it is a long tradition for each of the committee members to lay a wreath on the graves of various historical community builders. In connection with this, they each get to appoint their own speaker – and this year Høyre’s Mehmet Kaan Inan has appointed Choi.

– It has never been the case that the protester’s right to choose their own speaker has been challenged – on the contrary, the choice has been respected, and it is important that it is so, says committee leader Revil, who represents the Frp.

He emphasizes that the practice in the committee is that there is consensus on all decisions.

– I like the model, and we will also try it tomorrow. I hope we can find solutions everyone can live with, says Revil, who emphasizes that he is standing in the meeting as a committee leader rather than an FRP politician.

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– Could there be a turnaround as a result of the meeting?

– The guidelines say little about how this will happen – you have to look at practice. But we have not had such a case before.

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The speeches at the wreath-laying ceremonies have not been completely free of controversy throughout the ages. In 2017, several people reacted to comedian Odd-Magnus Williamson’s speech at Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson’s grave:

Characteristics such as “flat” and “vulgar” were expressed about the speech, which was designed as a poem to the author – in which images of a “raw-mouthed” Bjørnson in a disabled toilet were evoked.

– No occasion

Revil notes that much of the opposition to Choi speaking comes from the political left.

– My goal is that the 17 May celebration will be pleasant, pleasant and inclusive for everyone, and that we follow the practice we have always had. There is no occasion to highlight political positions in this way, he says.

APPOINTED CHOI: Mehmet Kaan Inan (H) launched Choi as his spokesman in the media rather than internally in the committee. Photo: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more

– Does that also apply to the committee members?

– I perceive that there is a good working situation in the committee and a good tone between the members, says Revil and adds:

– I feel quite confident that Danby Choi’s speech will be good.

– Respects the choices

– I respect the other parties’ choice of speakers, and expect the same in return. This has been the tradition for all years – in the same way that I respect that SV has chosen a speaker for 17 May who has previously stood for election for SV. I don’t intend to say anything negative about it, says Mehmet Kaan Inan (H) – who has chosen Choi as speaker – to Dagbladet.

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Inan is referring to Ingrid Wergeland, former communications manager at think tank Manifest, now an adviser at the Trade Union. She has been appointed by SV committee member Sulaksana Sivapatham to speak at Camilla Collett’s grave.

– Hope to meet the right one

– The difference is that my speech was recorded in the committee meeting, and I got the go-ahead for the candidate before I went public about her, says Sivapatham to Dagbladet – referring to the fact that Inan first publicized Choi as a speaker in the media, not in the committee.

– No decision

The SV representative announces that no decision has been made regarding Choi’s participation during the meeting on Thursday.

– He has received this offer, and we must have a discussion tomorrow about what is the best way to proceed, says Sivapatham.

– How unique is this situation with so much controversy surrounding a speaker?

– As far as I and other current committee members know, there has never been anything like this before.

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