Home » Don Patriciello is afraid: “Out of place words from De Luca feed the bullies. Now I’m scared.”

Don Patriciello is afraid: “Out of place words from De Luca feed the bullies. Now I’m scared.”

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Don Patriciello is afraid: “Out of place words from De Luca feed the bullies.  Now I’m scared.”

«De Luca’s words are completely out of place, but above all they scare me. I live under guard in a dangerous neighborhood and with a certain language the bullies for whom I am under guard are fed.” Thus Don Maurizio Patriciello, the parish priest of Caivano, replies to governor De Luca who defines him as “Pippo Baudo with bangs” only because he was invited to a table on reforms.

Did you expect such a direct attack?
“Absolutely not! In the past the governor has always had respect for me and expressed appreciation for my work, especially regarding the Land of Fires. Today I realize that the problem is another”

«He probably doesn’t like the fact that there is an executive that stands out for its concreteness. In fact, I don’t think that De Luca’s attack is against me, but rather towards the right that is in Palazzo Chigi. That said, I can’t understand why he brought me up. I’m just a priest who does substitute work, where the State isn’t there. I can’t wait to step back. If the others, however, don’t occupy the place they should, someone has to do it.”

Should an institution think about its own safety first and foremost?
«I don’t want to be defended, but I don’t want to be attacked gratuitously either. What does calling a person Pippo Baudo mean? We are talking about a great gentleman, an Italian artist. De Luca got carried away without realizing it. I hope to be able to meet him to clarify.”

Read also: Tonight Italy, “jealous of Meloni”. Senaldi’s slap to De Luca: he’s now a hitter

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What would you like to tell him?
«A year ago De Luca said that the State didn’t exist in Caivano. If it isn’t there, however, should it be brought back or is it better to leave everything alone? I just wrote a letter to the Prime Minister, today Giorgia Meloni, as I did in the past with Renzi and Conte. Nothing else. The difference is that this time there was a response.”

What is your relationship with the prime minister?
«Whoever is committed to my neighborhood is a friend. If you have a child who is serious and you take him to hospital, you need a good doctor. You don’t have to ask yourself whether he believes in God, whether he is Muslim or an atheist.”

Is Palazzo Chigi working for Caivano?
«In February, 240 eviction notices arrived. We are talking about more than five hundred people, including children, the elderly and the sick. I am their parish priest. I have to ask myself a question about them. Both from the government and from the great prefect we had in Naples, I found collaboration. Some forget that people are dangerous when they are exasperated and not everyone is honest.”

Read also: Tonight Italy, Don Patriciello nails De Luca: “Incite the Camorra against me”

What is the current situation at Parco Verde?
«Despite being alone in a difficult neighborhood, I am happy to stay there and try to do what I can. I’m not saying help me, but at least don’t harm me. If you mock me like this, you’re mocking me. You’re telling the Camorra members who bombed me two years ago to move on.”

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Before this executive, had anyone made such a determined commitment?
«The only serious commitment was made by Meloni on August 31st and he is completing it. I realize that those on the opposing side don’t like it, but they are the facts. I am a priest and I have my tongue cut out for the truth. If I have to say that nothing happened, I’m lying. After forty years of absolute abandonment, something beautiful is happening, even if no one has a magic wand. It’s there for everyone to see.”

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