Home » Erling Moe sounds the alarm about the number of matches in football

Erling Moe sounds the alarm about the number of matches in football

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Erling Moe sounds the alarm about the number of matches in football


Fredrik Aursnes’ drastic move is met with understanding in the football community.

VG in Brussels on Thursday 14 March at 07:12

The short version

  • Benfica player Fredrik Aursnes gives up on the national team in order to have more time for things other than football
  • Molde coach Erling Moe and the players’ association FIFPRO point out a growing problem with high match density in international football, which gives less time for rest and recovery
  • Aursnes’ decision is met with understanding from the football community, including national team assistant Brede Hangeland
  • Since 2021, Aursnes has played a total of 153 games for the club and national team

Sea view

– I think that for the best the limit has probably been reached and we may have even gone a little over the limit, says Molde coach Erling Moe to VG.

He knows Fredrik Aursnes well. The Benfica player announced this week that he is leaving the national team. The 28-year-old says he wants more time for things other than football in his life.

Now Molde coach Moe points to what he believes is a growing problem in international football.

Erling Moe

Molde coach

– If they are going to manage to recover and be as good as everyone wants, then we are in borderland. Then it is also the case that the Norwegian teams that are in Europe have one of the highest match densities in Europe. It’s getting really tough when we have to compete with the big boys on match density. We don’t need a plus on that much more, says Erling Moe.

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On Thursday, his Molde will meet Ronny Deila’s Club Brugge in the Conference League.

  • Let’s use Fredrik Aursnes as an example: He has so far, since 1 August, played 49 games for club and national team in all tournaments.
  • Should he play all the rest, given that Benfica go to the finals of every tournament they are in, the number would stop at 70.

Watch Ståle Solbakken explain Aursnes’ choice:

Last year, the players’ association FIFPRO issued a comprehensive report on the increasing number of matches.

“Modern football continues to be more and more physically and mentally demanding. The players are expected to perform at a higher physical and mental intensity than ever before. Often without enough rest and recovery. Unavoidable injuries can have significant consequences on a player’s career and affect the finances of players, clubs and rights holders,” writes the association.

Sivert Heltne Nilsen played together with Aursnes in Hødd and has for many years spoken warmly of the Benfica player.

– I really understand that, considering how many games he has played in the last three years. It has been a crazy ride, says friend and three-man Sivert Heltne Nilsen to VG about Aursnes’ decision.

Sivert Heltne Nilsen

Fire player

– There is a lot of stress, many matches and a lot of training. It is at least at the limit of what one can endure, I think, says the fire captain.

Since the transfer from Molde to Feyenoord in 2021 and later to Benfica the following year, the 28-year-old has played 134 club matches and 19 international matches.

Brede Hangeland spoke about Aursnes’ situation on Tuesday on TV 2. The national team assistant expresses understanding for the choice.

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– He is a somewhat A-typical footballer who sometimes feels that he needs a bit of air in this game. One can understand that, because being a top footballer is all-consuming.

– It is sad for us, but we have to respect it. We have no other choice. He is a reflective guy who has thought about this for a long time.

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