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Everyone, actresses and agents of change ~ Le blog de Akpédjé

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Everyone, actresses and agents of change ~ Le blog de Akpédjé

Childhood is a period of human life that extends from birth to adolescence, usually until the age of 18. It is a period of development during which children learn from life and develop physically, emotionally, cognitively and socially. It is also a key period of life, during which children have the right to be loved, protected, cared for and educated.

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Like all human beings, children have rights which are anchored in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CIDE) adopted on November 20, 1989 by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The CRC sets out the fundamental rights of all the world‘s children, including the right to life, survival, education, protection from all forms of violence, abuse and exploitation, health, to an identity and a family, as well as the right to participate in the social, cultural and political life of their country.

Children are key agents of change. They have an innate ability to be creative, curious and to challenge established norms. They have a unique perspective on the world and are often the first to adopt new ideas and behaviors. For this, it is important that adults, be they parents, educators, teachers or politicians, recognize the potential of children and give them the respect and attention they deserve.

Empower children to shape their future

THE children must be listened to and taken into account in all decisions concerning them. They must be encouraged to express their ideas, their opinions, their concerns, and to participate actively in the construction of their own future. It is also important to be ready to learn and to question. A better world cannot be created if we are unwilling to challenge our own beliefs and behaviors. We must be open to new ideas and ready to change perspective if necessary. We must listen to the voices of others and be ready to learn from their experiences; essential values ​​to inculcate in our offspring.

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We must therefore understand that, as adults, we have a crucial role to play in the creation of this future world. By rejecting preconceptions about other cultures, people of color, women or people with disabilities, we can create a more inclusive and equal society. We must be open to diversity and respect differences. The world is constantly changing and society is changing rapidly. Technological advances, environmental challenges and economic transformations are all challenges that force us to think about how we want to shape our future and that of our children. However, it is undeniable that children need a safe, healthy and caring environment in which to grow and thrive. They need access to healthy food, quality health care, quality education and educational leisure.

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Protecting children’s rights: investing in their well-being, safety and future

Children also need protection from all forms of violence, abuse and exploitation, as well as protection from the consequences of climate change. So, as a society, we must commit to investing in childhood and ensuring that all children, wherever they are in the world, enjoy these fundamental rights. This means tackling the root causes of poverty, injustice and inequality, which are often at the root of violations of children’s rights. It also means ensuring that children are at the center of all policies and decisions, and that their voice is heard and respected.

We must therefore encourage children to participate in initiatives that promote sustainable development, environmental protection, the fight against climate change, etc. Schools, associations and communities must implement educational programs and related activities. So, we need to collaborate with others and work together to solve the problems facing us. We need to partner with people from different cultures, organizations from different sectors and governments to find sustainable solutions to create the future world.

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All in all, it is crucial that we all become – children, young people, old people – actresses and actors of change in shaping the world of tomorrow for us and our children. We must teach them to play their part because we all have a role to play in creating a better, more sustainable and more equal future.

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Play with a child

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