Home » Explosion of the Cart 2023 in Florence: perfect flight of the dove

Explosion of the Cart 2023 in Florence: perfect flight of the dove

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Explosion of the Cart 2023 in Florence: perfect flight of the dove

Florence, 9 April 2023 – Perfect flight from the ‘Columbian’ in Piazza Duomo in Florence for the Burst of the wagonthe ancient Florentine event for Easterof faith and tradition, which has been handed down for centuries: its origin is traced back to Crusades.

The ‘colombina’ is the device transported by a rocket ignited by the holy candle – ‘ignition’ by the cardinal Joseph Betori, archbishop of Florence, inside the Cathedral -, which ‘burns’ the cart or rather the firecrackers and fireworks with which it is accompanied. Leaving from the altar of the Cathedral, the dove reached the chariot of fire, said Brindellonepositioned between the Duomo and the Baptistery and then went back.

Tradition has it that if he manages to return he is a sign of hope and good harvests. As per tradition also the crowd of spectators who received the cardinal’s blessing who went around the whole square and who also blessed the chariot of fire before it was ‘lit’.

According to what was explained by the Municipality, there were over in the square to witness the Explosion of the cart 5,000 people. «Easter in Florence is always a special Easter because it brings with it the great centuries-old tradition of the explosion of the Cart and the flight of the Colombina in an architectural, historical and artistic context that is unique in the world. For me it is the tenth Easter as mayor – he said Dario Nardella – and it’s always like it’s the first time. Unfortunately, it is the second Easter with the war in Ukraine and also for this reason the desire for Peace is even stronger. A record Easter as regards both Italian and foreign presences in the city. Truly extraordinary numbers ».

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As per tradition, before the Scoppio del Carro, the draw for the matches of the Torneo di San Giovanni of the historic Florentine football took place: the first semi-final, on June 10, will see Bianchi against Azzurri, the day after the second semi-final it will be Rossi against Verdi. On June 24, the feast of San Giovanni, patron saint of Florence, the final.

After the explosion of the cart, Mass was celebrated in the Cathedral by Cardinal Betori, among those present also the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella who, arriving in the square, to the microphones of Toscana TV underlined the beauty of the age-old tradition of the explosion of the cart and wished an Easter in the sign even if «unfortunately it is the second» marked by the war in Ukraine. Among those present also the Tuscan governor Eugene Giani.

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